Chapter One

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It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.~Henry David ThoreauSleepless nights was filled to the brim with different possibilities, different fantasies, and different realities. The 'if' or 'if nots' were all present tonight. Worrying over the smallest of things was your nightly routine. It's been only a day since you last saw her but the past 24 hours were still - as they always were- utter chaos.Casting a glance at the clock on the side of your bed, "11:11".When the clock hits eleven minutes past eleven there is a wish to be granted - a wish that you needed. Trying your luck for once, you wished upon the stars in hope for love, love forever and to be loved. Telling the stars you didn't care alongside as it was somebody who'll love you for you not just for the sex or the money.Patiently you waited.And waited......and waitedand waited.............and waited some more.....But nothing happened.Nothing never good ever happened to you. " Well that was pointless" you huffed out. Laying down in the bed all the way you decided that there was no hope if the not even the stars believed that you deserved someone special.But the moon thought otherwise.

It was a crash and a bang that knocked you out the bed, knocking the power as well. Knees weak and and thoughts foggy, your thinking was slow. Not yet catching up with the uncertainty of the moment, But you managed.
Out the door and down the stairs at slow pace, by the time you finally reached outside you've thought whatever was there had already left.
But it hadn't.
A magnificent beast, although it looked like something like horror story, stood high and mighty with it's head towards the sky. Muscular legs-no arms, supported it's gigantic body upright, while it's slender forearms dragged its aching body out the current it was in. It didn't take long, the leviathan of a creature was on land in mere seconds, so close to your own shivering body, a few agonizing seconds went by until its head abruptly went up facing you. Like the fearless individual you were you took a step closer and closer until you were merely inches away from the green gem that was embedded on it's nose.
Risky and dangerous, this could have been your death. A shaky hand reached up to feel if you were seeing was real.
It was, jumping back astonished at the turn of events you realize that this could have been your end. The creature flinches at the sudden interaction, and you can't help but wonder why. It doesn't stop your compassion nor did it prevent you from introducing yourself.
" My name is Y/n L/n , what's your?".
Your jovial personality did ease her tense form, but she didn't reply. You waited, and waited-
" Our name is Malachite now,"
her voice was mysterious as she was, prideful although feminine, she could have been easily mistaken as a male if it wasn't from the way her face was sculpted that made her seem more feminine. But something what she had confused you and you couldn't quite understand what she had meant by 'Our' and 'Now'.
Was she somebody else before?
It took her moments to realize what she had said that confused you and she corrected herself.
"......I am Malachite now."
A look of pure bliss covered her face and it made you happy to see ecstasy on her face. When two had first met she seems so apprehensive and tired.
So far so good, at least the friendship was getting somewhere.
You would've thought.
She let out a scream, a scream not like like anything you had ever heard, it came from the pit of her stomach, and it felt like it was coming from all directions, it shook the earth beneath you and you were thrown off your feet onto the damp sand beneath you.
You watched in shock as the chains emerged from the water dragging the beast back into the crater that it had opened up, back from where it came from.
You couldn't help the poor Malachite, no matter what you did and little human like you couldn't be much help to mighty and all so powerful Malachite.
All six of her arms pulled her out of the whirlpool that she was creating herself but she couldn't.
Like a dead fish being flushed down the toilet, Malachite was no more,
She was gone.
For now,

Finally catching your breath from what had just happened, "What was in that punch at Sourcream's Party, Rule to self never drink at Sourcream's parties or his raves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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