August 7th, 2013

121 4 0

Today there were minor events, honestly. For one, today is the day that marks an entire year since my Father passed away. I didn't really make a big deal of it. Another thing was, we were to go to orientation. Basically orientation is when the employees show the new freshman kids around the school. Nine people showed up, but some secretary had told us that today it was cancelled.

But rather than throwing a bitch fit, the Basketball Coach (Mr. Steele) showed us around.. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be. It was REALLY Claustrophobic, and that was with just us nine. It was very hot too, with tiny as hell classrooms. I know that'll be tough.

My mother was acting like a little kid. The fact that we were in public signaled something in her head to get as much attention as possible, be blunt, and try to show off somehow. Whenever Mr. Steele said something, my mother would add a "Gross," or start laughing. She'd bluntly just walk into classes, and into BOTH the boys and girls bathroom. She complained about the smell, that it looked like there was mold somewhere, she complained about the air filters and air conditioning. It was disgusting. I'm mad she embarrassed me that way. It's not even my first day, and she showed all of the employees that she is a bitch.

I knew all of the other kids that showed up. The twins who I slightly knew from P.E, and two girls that I don't get along with. They're rather preppy.. But we never fought. It's just some invisible, known rivalry. But on the /somewhat/ bright side, I stayed out for five hours and only had three panic attacks that were a big deal, the others were minor enough to brush under the rug.

I guess today wasn't too bad, but I don't know how this school will work out. I know I'll get by, but it's just SO small and REALLY hot, it'll be crowded, and I don't know how my stomach will deal with that. So far tonight, this is all I have to say.

We've learned there will be an open house or something of the sort on the 22nd, where I should get my schedule and what not. So if I don't pop in before hand, I will then.


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