Sleeptalking - Daisuga AU

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Everynight Suga talked to him. It was like a recurring dream for the gray haired boy. He enjoyed talking to the handsome boy during his slumber.

The two would talk for hours upon hours. It's like they had known each other their entire lives. They laughed and talked about their life in the real world outside sleep. The brown haired man talked about his high school and how people thought he would be captain in his 3rd year. He talked about how he was the 'dad' of the team. He talked about how he wanted to be the captain to go to nationals. He talked about wanting to guide his underclassmen to success. Suga wished he could go to school with him and watch him complete his goals. He believed he could do it. He just had so much hope, it was hard to think otherwise.

"Hey, you know you never told me your name." The guy said to Suga.

"Sugawara Koushi." He told him. "You've never told me yours either."

"I'm not telling you." No Name said to Suga sticking out his tounge, and Suga lightly shoved him laughing. "But anyways how was school?"

"Hmm?" Suga was distracted by his deep and rich dark brown eyes.

"I said how was school. How did you not hear that? We are literally the only ones here. It's just us and the clouds." Suga thought it was the cheesiest thing that their dream took place in the sky, but he didn't complain. He just wanted to be in the presence of his unnamed friend.

"I don't know. I just got distracted." Suga sighed. He stared at No Name before he asked, "Why do you think we always see each other in our dreams? Its only you I talk to, so why you? Not that I'm complaining." But why did he only saw No Name? He's never even met No Name in real life, so why did they see each other? And when did No Name start looking cute to him?

Suga's always known he's gay. He dated a girl once in middle school and hated it. Don't get him wrong. She was a nice girl and she was pretty, but Suga felt nothing towards her. He tried, but he couldn't. Suga hasn't really come out to anyone yet. Not even No Name. It didn't bother him though. He just overall avoided relarionships. But he couldn't get his mind off of the man in his dreams, even while he was awake.

"I don't know really. I guest it was just destiny. Sounds cheesy doesn't it?" He said looking at Suga.

"Yeah it does."

"How's your love life?"

"What?!" Suga yelled. He blushed instantly, his face turning red.

"Well, I mean you never talk about your relarionships here with me."

"I'm not really seeing anyone right now..." Suga blushed.

"Really? I thought some girls would have chased you around by now." No Name laughed. Suga blushed even more if that was even possible.

"They do sometimes..."

"Then why are you single?" The dark haired boy asked.

"I really never took interest in girls. They're pretty and all but I never liked dating th-" Suga slapped his hand over his mouth, realizing what he had just said.

Oh no. This is bad. Like really bad. I was trying so hard to stay in the that closest. I was so far back, I might as well had been in Narnia. Dang it. He's never going to talk to me again.

"I should get going. It was nice talking to you No Name. I'll see you tonight, I'm going to wake up now." Suga said quickly.

"Suga wait!" The boy grabbed his arm and stared at him. Suga felt all if his body heat go towards his cheeks. And then he heard an alarm clock go off. It was No Name's. "I uh. I'll talk to you tonight." And they both woke up.

When Suga went to school, he couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was No Name. What if he never talked to him? He liked so much and didn't want their friendship too end.

This is just some stupid high school crush anyways. Maybe he isn't even real. I'm probably just imagining him everyday. Suga suddenly looked up as the teacher asked him a question.

"What's the answer Sugawara-kun?" The teacher asked him. He didn't notice that the math teacher had left and the English teacher was now teaching. Suga looked up and the board and saw the word 'love' on the board written in English. Guess I'm supposed to translate it.

"Ai." Suga said, translating what love meant.

"No Sugawara-kun. I wanted you to pronounce the word on the board." Suga's face flushed. "Anyone else know how to pronounce it?" The sensei looked back at Suga. "And you, pay attention in my class, understand?" The boy shook his head.

After school, Suga ran home to see how parents packing things. "What are you doing?" The gray haired teen asked.

"We're moving to Miyagi and you're moving schools too." His mother said.

"I got a promotion and that's where I'll have to work." His dad added.

"And we're leaving today?!" The boy said.

"Don't worry, you'll make tons of friends there. You can still play volleyball there. The team isn't really that good though. They used to be. But who knows, maybe you can make them better again." His mom said trying to lighten the mood. Suga agreed and helped pack.

Suga finished packing and went to bed. Tommorow would be the last day at school and he didn't know what to think. Soon, the little angel drifted off to sleep.

His eyes fluttered open to see the cutest person he knew.

"Oh hey."

"Hey." Suga replied.

"Listen about yesterday -"

"Don't. I'm sorry about what I said. I shouldn't have said it. Just ignore everything I said about being gay." He became rambling to cover up what he had said the day before.

"Suga listen dammit. I'm gay too."

Suga froze. He didn't believe what he had just heard.

"I'm gay, and I don't think you feel the same way, but I love you Suga."

Suga felt his cheeks get wet and his vision became blurry. No Name ran up to Suga and wiped the tears off his face.

Quickly they closed the gap between their faces and kissed for what felt like hours for them. They sat down next to each other, Suga leaning on the other boy's shoulder.

"Daichi." Suga looked up and the boy confused. "My name is Daichi Sawamura."

Daichi. That means great land and great wisdom. Suga repeated Daichi's name over and over. He loved the meaning of his name.

The two talked and kissed and cuddled the entire night away, but eventually they had to wake up.

Two days later, Suga was about to enter the gym to join his new volleyball teammates. He walked up to the door and stopped to watch. Suga was amazed. They weren't amazing, but the gray haired boy saw their potential; they were strong players.

Quietly he walked inside to introduce himself. He heard the sensei start to say, "Team, we have a new me-" but Suga was staring at someone and the person was looking back at him. Suga ran and dropped his bags. The other engulfed him in a hug.

"Suga." The other person said.

"Hi Daichi." Suga said into his shoudler.

Suga stepped back, after what felt like forever, and tripped on a volleyball, but before he fell he felt a pair of hands wrap around him. "Nice receive Daichi!" Daichi's and Suga's face became as red as a tomoato.

Suga stood up and kissed Daichi.

"Well I guess you two know each other, but we need to start practicing again." Sensei told them.

So that I my first one shot ever. Sorry if it sucks. Please give me suggestions of one shots and what ship and I'll probably write it. Also tell me how to improve! Love you Humanitees! ~ Meena

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