Leaves - Asanoya AU

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Noya was riding the bus early one morning. Man this is so boring. There's no one to talk to here. I should have ridden my bike to the store instead. Noya's mother had told him to buy a new broom after he broke the current one 'play fighting' with his little sister. He was spinning the broom and hit it on a tree outside.

The libero looked to left to see a bearded man drawing in a book. He looked like he was concentrating as hard as he could. As he drew, he stuck his tounge out. He also saw that there was a little girl staring at the brunette with fear. He doesn't look scary he looks like a giant teddy bear.

I wonder what he's drawing. Noya look out of the corner of his eyes to see that he was drawing a person. That's so cool wait - "That's me!" Noya shouted, attracting the attention of the people sitting by him.

The brunette started to get nervous and tried to talk to Noya but couldn't stop stuttering. "Uh- I didn't me-mean to cre-creep you put I just uh thought y-you looked -"

"That's so cool!" Noya cut him off. "I wish I had talent like that. Well, actually, I'm pretty amazing at volleyball. I'm a libero." The ball of energy said trying to impress the other person.

"Really? I play volleyball too; I play for Karasuno though." The guy started to gain confidence and automatically became comfortable around Noya. Something about his energy was just contagious. "I'm Asahi by the way."

"Noya, so where are you going? I have to go to the store. Kinda broke my mother's broom..." He mumbled the last part.

"I have to go to the store too. The volleyball team is having a picnic at the park." Asahi replied.

"Can I join? I mean, if I'm allowed to. Uh, I'm going to Karasuno next year. Maybe I can become familiar with the team, so I can adjust to the team eaiser" Noya lied. Well he didn't really lie. He was going to go to Karasuno. And he did want to be able to adjust to the team better. But the real reason he wanted to join Asahi was to hang out with him more.

They hadn't known each other for very long, but Noya knew he liked Asahi. Already he could tell that Asahi was observant, well-mannered, glass-hearted, a good volleyball player, talented artist, and sweet. Woah, you just met this guy, this is just someone you met on a bus, a really cute guy you met on the bus. Ok stop it.

You know what brain? Fuck you, this guy is hot and I'm going to hang with him damnit.


"Hmm? Oh I'm sorry, I was uh thinking about stuff." Nice cover, stupid.

"Oh, well I texted Daichi-san and he said the captain is okay with it. So after we finish shopping, we can go with the team." Oh right, shopping. I forgot about that.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

The two talked about volleyball, school, and just life in general. They laughed practically every two minutes thanks to Noya cracking a joke here and there.

"This is nice. You're pretty fun to hang around with. I thought you were kind of quiet on the bus but that just makes you cuter." Noya told Asahi with not a single but of regret. Yuu wanted to be with him longer. He wasn't the type to hide their feelings for someone. Asahi mumbled a thanks and his face became deep red.

The pair walked to the park where the club was meeting to enjoy themselves. Noya, if he wasn't stating at Asahi, admired the leaves. Orange, gold, red. The colors are so beautiful during the beginning of fall.

Upon arriving to the park, the small teen was greeted by people shouting at him and asking him questions.

"Woah, you're the libero from Chidoriyama Jr High!"

"Yeah, I am. How do you know?" Noya asked a pretty, silver-haired teen.

"The high schools always have a few sudents to watch the junior highs. We like to know the potential players we could have. Asahi here has seen you play quite a few times." The boy leaned down and whispered something into Noya's ear "between you and me, I think Asahi likes watching you play more than anyone." The libero blushed so hard that a cherry would be jealous. "I'm Sugawara by the way." Suga said standing up and holding out his hand for Noya to shake.

Now that I think about it, I think I've seen Asahi before in the stands during my games. OH! So he's the guy with the notebook. I thought he was cute in the stands but up close, oh my God. I'm glad I didn't faint.

"Hey Sugawara-san? Do you think Asahi might like me by any chance?"

"Actually that wouldn't surprise me if he did. Go talk to him. He's drawing over there by the leaf piles. I think he's waiting for you." The first-year gave Yuu a thumbs up and walked to a dark-haired teen that he think heard their name wss Daichi.

Noya was nervous. Thoughts about what could go wrong flooded his mind. Inhale and exhale. Just ask him out on a date.

Looking to the right, he spots a pile of crimson and gold leaves and gathers a handful. Quiety walking over towards Asahi. "I know you're there." Asahi said. Damnit.

"I'm still going to dump the pile leaves of you."

"That's fine with me. Once you finish, you can watch me finish this drawing of you." His smile is so cute, gods help me.

"Okay!" Noya threw the leaves into the air landing on both him and Asahi. Laughing in the rain of warm colors, the small teen sat down, and he reseted him head on Asahi shoulder. Both of them wanting to stay that way forever.

"There's this one that I drew during one of your games." Noya couldn't believe someone could draw as good as Asahi. The drawing recreated a scene from about two weeks ago where there was a close game where Nishinoya dived to save a ball, and helped his team score the winning point . The brown-headed teen continued to show more drawings to his friend. Even the ones that weren't of Noya.

"Asahi?" Red tinted the smaller person's cheeks.

"Hmm?" The ace looked down to Nishinoya.

"Do you uh, do you want to go on a date with me?" The libero looked down, blushing harder than before if that was even possible.

"Th-that would be," Asahi stuttered, so he just smiled and nodded as Noya threw himself onto him, and they played in the leaves.

Ugh, gomen that really sucked. I tried. Vacation really made me busy. Even better, the place I was staying at didn't have wifi so I had to try stand in the most random places of the house to get wifi from the school, that was also on break.

Anyways as always, critism is appreciated and requests would also be great. You can request ships and/or au's. Next one shot should be out really soon because it's been two weeks. Love you humanitees! Bye! ~ Meena

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