Chapter One

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I felt all eyes on me, making me feel even more awkward. I kept my gaze to the ground, trying not to draw attention to myself. It's ok though, I'm used to this by now. My dad's company transfer him all over the country, o I never sty in one place for long enough to make proper friends. Except this time my dad's company promised not to move him until I finish my exams- which is just over a years time.

So this means that I actually have to talk to people, which I'm not very good at. Ever since I was young, I've always had self confidence issues; over the past few months, though, it's got worse. This is one of the main reasons that I don't like moving around. Kids always stare at the new girl, and for me, I'm always the new girl.

I remembered where the office was from when I visited this school with my dad. The school seemed like an alright place, better than a lot of schools I've been at. The teachers all seem relatively friendly but the pupils, however, not so much. I know I shouldn't judge people, considering I have self confidence issues myself, but I distinctively remember this one group of boys. I'm not really sure how to describe them, but they just don't seem like people that you'd want to be on the bad side of.

"Urm, excuse me. I'm Della and I'm new today" I old the middle-aged lady when I reached the office. She started looking under lots of paper work until another lady walked into the office- a lady who I remember to be the headteacher.

"Good morning Sonya. How are you?" the head teacher asked the middle-aged lady, who I'm assuming is her secretary, as I stood there, clueless.

"I'm good, thanks," She replied as she handed me some paper. "This is Della, she's the new girl that I told you about," she told her as she gestured towards me.

The lady smiled and said "would you like to come into my office and have a quick chat wit me ,Della?" I quickly shook my head up and down, too scared to say anything. She nodded her head towards her office so I took that as my cue to follow her in.

She put her bag down on the floor and sat down at her desk; luckily her name came back to me- Mrs Howwer.

"So Della, you are joining us from which school?" She asked me with a friendly smile.

"I was at Saint Dominics in Glasgow for the last few months, but I was at a school in London before that, and quite a few other schools before that," I told her, trying to sound as confident as I could be.

"Really? Why do you move around so much, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My dad's company transfer him to a lot of different places. But my dad made sure that we won't be moving again until after my exams, so I'll be here for the rest of this year and next year." I was pleased with myself because I was not showing that I was worried at all.

"Well that's wonderful," she smiled at me. I saw what looked like a file on her desk and she opened it. Perhaps it's my file. "Well from what I can see here your grades are doing splendid, and your last school say your a high achieving student." She looked up from my file to me, and I think she was looking for a reply.

"Oh, well, when you move around a lot you don't really get the chance to make friends so I'm always on my own which gives me a lot of opportunities to study. I don't mind though, it keeps me occupied and I like doing work so it's fine by me!"

"That's nice, I love it when students say they like doing work, you don't get many of those nowadays though..." Her voice trailed off slightly until she finally said what must've been occupying her mind. "Della, it also says here that you've been bullied in quite a few schools. Why is that?"

All of a sudden, a lump formed in my throat and I had no idea what to say.

"It's ok Della, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." Mrs Howwer seemed really nice and it look like she would keep her word.

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