Chapter Seven

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Fun. Secrets. Two things that rule everyone.

My life is full of fun at the moment, more than I was ever expecting. New friends, girls and a boy. A boy. Something I never thought I would have in my life. Something fun.

Secrets. I have very few. But keeping them is ruining the fun. And I don't want to ruin the fun. Which is why I am standing back here at school, watching one of my closest friends have fun, a fun that is about to be ruined. By me.

I think Zoe was laughing at something that Leah said. They are always laughing, which is one of the reasons I love them. They just fill you up with happiness.

But I'm fed up with the secrets now. Leo is great, he makes me just as happy as Zoe and the girls do, and I don't want to keep secrets from either of them.

I steadied my breathing, and started walking towards Zoe. She was in the canteen with the others, and I had everything planned in my head. I was going to go over there, ask Zoe if I could talk to her on her own, go outside and tell her. I don't know if she'll get mad or not, she might be upset that I've kept the secret from her, she might be angry that I knew about her and Leo, she might be scared for me. Every possibility of what could happened is going round and round in my head, and all of the situations end badly- which isn't what I want.

'I've got to tell her' I kept thinking as I was walking towards her. 'Just do it'.

And here I am stood right in front of her.

"Hey Della, we were wondering where you got to after class?" Zoe asked me with such sweetness in her voice. This is just making it harder for me to tell her.

"Oh, I just had to go to the toilet," I lied. Lies. I need to stop lying. I actually saw Leo and told him that I was going to tell Zoe. About us being friends- not the bit about him being inappropriate with her. He doesn't need to know that I know that. But Zoe does. I can't keep lying to her when she's been so nice and welcoming to me.

"Ah, come sit," she said with a smile. Her damn smiles and happiness- why is this so hard?

I shook my head and replied, "Can I just talk to you for a minute?" I asked her. There. I said it. Let's hope it goes uphill, and not downhill, from here. Even though downhill is most likely.

"Sure," She replied with a smile. The same sweet smile that I see every day- one dimple in her left cheek and a slight crease in her forehead, just above her eyebrows. She stood up and placed her bag onto her seat so that no one would take it- force of habit, she told me.

I took a deep breath and put a fake smile back on my face as I turned to walk away, Zoe following.

We walked outside the canteen  and stood to the side of the wall, out of listening distance. I didn't want anyone to hear what me and Zoe will be talking about, mainly for Zoe's sake. However, if this conversation does go badly- which I'm sure it will- someone might end up hearing us if either myself or Zoe starts shouting, which I hope not to.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" Zoe asked me with a wide grin as she leaned on the wall next to us with her arms folded.

"Um," I stopped for a moment and thought about things, but then decided it will be for the best if I just tell her. Then I might feel better knowing that i'm not keeping a secret. "I went over to Leo's house last night for dinner." There. I said it. And instantly her smile disappeared.

She turned around to walk off but I grabbed hold of her arm to stop her. "Wait," I demanded with desperation in my voice, "his mum invited me over and I didn't know how to say no, so I went round. She was really nice- and so was his little sister," I paused for a minute as Zoe looked at me in disgust and carried on. "And so is Leo. I don't get why you hate him so much when he's actually really sweet. Well- actually I do get why you hate him so much-"

"What?" Zoe interrupted.

"Huh?" I replied in confusion. I didn't understand what she was asking. Maybe that's because I was rambling on so much I forgot hat I said.

"What do you mean you 'get why I hate him so much,'" she questioned, using quotation marks with her fingers to quote directly what I said. And then I realised what I did say. I pretty much just admitted to her that I know what happened between the two of them. Do I tell her? Or do I lie?

It's too late to lie now, by the look on her face.

"I know what happened between you and Leo," I paused and took a breath as I knew I would need it. "I know that he was inappropriate with you."

I waited for her to say something but she just looked so shocked that I didn't know what to say back or how to explain myself.

"H-how do you?" She couldn't complete her sentence but I knew what she was trying to say.

"Leah told me'" I admitted. Zoe shook her head and started walking backwards with horror and shame on her face. "Don't get mad at Leah," I begged as i tried to walk towards her as she walked backwards, "she was just trying to help me and make sure I was okay by telling me the truth about him, And I get that what happened with you and him was a bad thing but I honestly don't see Leondre as that person as he is so nice and he seems like he really cares-"

"SHUT UP" Zoe shouted so that everyone around us turned to look at us. She carried on shouting, "You don't get to say anything about him because what happened has nothing to do with you, and for your information you don't know the full story and it's none of your business and Leah had no right to tell you." 

She shouted all of this in one go without taking any breath. The anger on her face was real and I never knew she could shout this loud. if this were a cartoon, steam would be coming out of her ears with anger.

"No but-" I tried to explain.

"No, shut up. You don't get to say anything here because it isn't your place and like I said- it's none of your business, so forget about everything you've heard, forget about Leondre and forget about our friendship," Zoe screamed and walked off without taking a second glance.

I was so shocked at what just happened and how angry she got that I didn't even want to attempt to go after her.

So i just stood still in the same spot, with people still looking at me, and started crying. I had never had a friend like Zoe and now everything was over.



yo so sorry i havent updated in so long but ayyeeee here i am with a new chapter cause i'm really motivated at the moment cause i got my gcse results yesterday and they were really good and i'm so happy with them so i know that i can do great things if i try so here i am :))

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