Chapter Two

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Leondre's P.O.V

The girl that was with Zoe this morning was beautiful, more than beautiful in fact... she was stunning. I know that I normally just use girls for myself and don't take their feelings into consideration, but my conscience and my heart is telling me that I should think about her feelings.

I don't know who she was, I've never seen her around school before and Zoe never told me about her. Although the last time I spoke to Zoe properly was about a year ago, so many things could have changed. I never planned for things to change, and I didn't want them too either, but because of stupid people... they have.

I'm gonna find out who that girl is that was with Zoe this morning, not just because I have needs, but also because she seems different to everyone else I've ever met. Ironic, I know, I only spoke to her for all of a minute and a half, but that isn't the point. I know she's different from most of the girls in the school, she wasn't checking me out like most of them would. And she seemed a little self-conscious when she spoke to me, but it was sweet.

I saw her hanging around with Zoe and her friends again at break time but I didn't go over to her, just because I want to plan out what I'm going to do and say before I actually talk to her again.

I think that I'll go over and sit down next to her at lunch time, and just be really confident and try and get close to her, because that way she might be confident and try and flirt back with me or something.

"Leondre, please focus on me instead of the window," my English teacher, Mrs Jones, asked me.

"Well miss, it's not my fault that the window looks better than you do," I replied in a cocky voice. Her face went from annoyed to furious within a matter of seconds. I don't understand why though, it's not my fault that she has a third eyebrow above her lip.

"Outside, NOW!" She shouted at me. I scoffed but picked my bag up and slumped out of the classroom, and just as I left the ball rang. I'm so glad about that. My friends were the first to leave the room and as they started walking off I realised that my best mate, Charlie, wasn't with them. I peeked back into the classroom and realised that he was still in there, probably getting told off for not doing any homework.

I waited a couple of minutes for him to finally leave the classroom and as he did I fist bumped him and started making my way towards the canteen. I know that the girl will be there, because Zoe and her friends are always in there, and I'm assuming she's still with Zoe.

"I need your help mate," I said to Charlie. He nodded at me and I took that as my cue to carry on talking. "There was a girl, with Zoe, this morning, and she was absolutely gorgeous and so I was thinking-"

"Hold up, with Zoe?" Charlie questioned me.

"Yeah," I trailed off.

"You sure she's the best girl to go for? I mean I'm not saying that you can't but you know that Zoe's probably said so much crap about you to her by now. And anyway, Zoe would just get up and leave with all of her friends if you went over to her." He explained.

"I know that, which is why I need your help."

"Go on," he said, curiously.

"Well I was thinking, if you go over to Zoe and talk to her and maybe try flirting with her," and Charlie's face suddenly went from curious to annoyed, "only because I know that she used to like you loads so I thought that she still might, and that would get her out the way so I can talk to the other girl?" I questioned slightly at the end even though what I was saying wasn't even a question.

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