Random things That Are Important in HP

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Regular occupants and students of Hogwarts.


Professor Binns

History of Magic professor

Charity Burbage

Muggle Studies professor (Harry's 1st - 6th Years)

Alecto Carrow

Muggle Studies professor (Harry's 7th Year)

Amycus Carrow

Dark Arts professor (Harry's 7th Year)

Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster (Harry's 1st - 6th Years)

Argus Filch



Divination professor (Harry's 5th - 7th Years)

Filius Flitwick

Ravenclaw Head of House

Charms professor

Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank

Care of Magical Creatures substitute professor

Rubeus Hagrid

Care of Magical Creatures professor (Harry's 3rd - 7th Years)


Rolanda Hooch

Flying instructor

Quidditch referee

Silvanus Kettleburn

Care of Magical Creatures professor (Harry's 1st and 2nd Years) Retired

Gilderoy Lockhart

Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (Harry's 2nd Year)

Remus Lupin

Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (Harry's 3rd Year)

Minerva McGonagall


Gryffindor Head of House

Transfiguration professor

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (Harry's 4th Year)

Irma Pince


Poppy Pomfrey


Professor Quirrell

Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (Harry's 1st Year)

Professor Sinistra

Astronomy professor

Horace Slughorn

Potions professor (Harry's 6th - 7th Years)

Slytherin Head of House (Harry's 7th Year)

Severus Snape

Slytherin Head of House (Harry's 1st - 6th Years)

Potions professor (Harry's 1st - 5th Years)

Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (Harry's 6th Year)

Headmaster (Harry's 7th Year)

Pomona Sprout

Hufflepuff Head of House

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