Head cannon 5

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Does anyone ever wonder what Harry did with the Maruader's Map?
Like, everyone speculates that he gave it James or James and Albus stole it from him, but what if Harry gave it to Teddy?
Because Harry's close with Teddy and knows he messes around and gets into trouble but he's kind-hearted like his parents,
And when Teddy gets the map he uses it to go to Hogsmeade when he's not supposed to, and to sneak out of the castle, and later when Victoire and Dominique come to Hogwarts he shows them the map and they sneak around together and avoid Filch and other students and teachers. Eventually Teddy starts using it to find meeting places with Victoire.
And then at the end of his seventh year, when the map will no longer be of use to him, he shows it to his god-brother and gives it to James to use at the start of his second year.

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