Chapter 7

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Liam texted me the super-secret address to his flat and I drove over there after I had been changing outfits ten times. It was a movie-night, but I didn't want to look to sloppy with these guys and I wanted to look decent at the twitcam. Still, I didn't want to be overdressed. I decided on a pair of light blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt with a grey zip-up hood.

Liam opened the door and greeted me with a hug. I didn't see any of the other guys, but suddenly I got hit by a popcorn in my forehead.

"Hey!" I shouted at the popcorn-thrower. I heard Louis laugh above my head.

"Bulls eye!" He exclaimed and did a high five with Niall beside him. You could look down at the front door from the second floor, which was were Niall and Louis stood, throwing popcorn.

"Hi Issy!" I heard Harry shout behind them. I didn't see him, but I heard the sound of video-games from upstairs.

The flat was huge! I saw the living room and a bathroom to my left and the stairs was to the right. Zayn came out from the kitchen with another bowl of popcorn and smiled at me.

"Hi there." He said and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, and stole a popcorn from him.

"Why so many popcorn?" I asked him.

"Well, these are for me. But you can get some as well." He smiled.

"How nice of you!" I laughed and took a handfull of popcorns from him.

"I had to do my own popcorn, because these two..." he pointed up at Louis and Niall who was leaning over a railing just above us. "...Only throws all the popcorn at people!" They laughed and threw a handful of popcorn in his hair. His jaw fell and he looked at them with an 'oh no you didn't' face and gave me the bowl of popcorn before he ran up the stairs. Liam was already upstairs, so I followed them.

Harry was lying in a sofa, taking up all the places with his long legs, and waved at me before he focused on his video-game again. Liam sat in a smaller sofa next to the big one where Harry was, and Zayn was still running after Louis and Niall, all of them laughing like children. These five lads were almost in their twenties all of them, and I loved how they still could act childish and carefree even though they were adults, and had a serious job. I walked up the sofa but Harry didn't do any attempt to give me any place. I lifted his feet up in the air and sat down before letting his feet go, so his legs fell down in my lap.

"What's that?" I asked him, looking at the TV.

"Just a game. You're going to run around shooting people and..." I interrupted him.

"Harry, you don't need to explain the game, I was asking for the name of the game. I already know how you do, I'm really good at it.

He paused the game and looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"What? Can't I play games like that because I'm a girl?" I asked him sassy.

"No I just... Didn't thought you could." He mumbled.

"I can show you if you have another remote." I said and turned to Liam. He chuckled at my challenge and threw a remote from the table to me. I did the settings quickly and looked at Harry before I started the game.

"You sure you want to play against me? I'm really good." I warned him. Although I thought this stuff about 'male-pride' was really lame, I thought I'd let him say goodbye to his first. Harry rolled his eyes and pushed play at my remote.

I had been playing games like this all the time with my dad when I was little. He used to say that his daughter must know how to play videogames, but I had never shown anyone before. None of my ex-boyfriends had let me play.

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