Chapter 2

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A sudden breeze his Harry and Louis as the covers were whipped off of them. Harry rubbed his eyes and the familiar face of Liam greeted him. "Good morning" He quickly said, slightly confused that Liam was waking him up, he glanced over to the clock to reveal that the time was only seven am. "What's with the early wake up call?" A slightly grumpy Louis asked. Niall quickly ran into the room "Guys, hurry up, you have to see this!" He quickly said before running into the living room, followed by Liam. Harry looked over to Louis who was already out of the bed and was making his way through and sat on the sofa. Harry quickly got up and followed. "Turn it up Zayn." Liam said as he saw the two boys joining them and sitting down. Good morning everyone and today we have a very interesting story, as many of you will already know, Louis Tomlinson, from the number one boy band One Direction, recently broke up with his long term girlfriend Eleanor Calder. She is here with us today, to tell us the truth. Louis rubbed his head in confusion, why was Eleanor on the TV, talking about their relationship? His thoughts quickly ended when he continued listening to the interview. Now then is it true that Louis broke up with you? Well, yes, he did, but I think that we had both realised that it wasn't working out. And why was that? Well, I guess I wanted a different sort of man, I mean yes, Louis was funny and sweet but he wasn't very romantic. Not very romantic? Louis asked to himself. "That's not why we broke up." Louis quickly blurted out. Harry quickly turned to Louis, who looked slightly upset. "Ssh!" Zayn quickly said before glancing back to to TV. The real reason that we broke up was that, Louis was cheating on me. All four boys quickly turned to Louis, who looked angry like he was about to explode. "NO I DIDN'T! SHE CHEATED ON ME!" He shouted louder that he ever had before, he was about to punch anything that he could before Niall grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes."Louis, calm down." He said in  hushed tone, Louis quickly obeyed and put his head in his hands. Niall quickly embraced him into a hug before he burst out onto tears. He sobbed quietly into Niall's shoulder, he hadn't noticed Liam turning off the TV. Harry got up and sat next to Louis, he rubbed his back and it comforted Louis slightly. He stopped crying and turned to Harry, who wiped his tears away. "It's okay Boo bear, I promise, we will sort this out." Louis nodded slightly as Harry put his arm around his shoulder. Now that the boys knew the truth, it was a lot easier to deal with, especially for Niall, he was the only one who knew what Louis was going through.

"Lunch is ready!" Harry shouted across the hallway to Louis, he was on his phone trying to contact Eleanor and ask why she had lied, there was no luck so far. He quickly put his phone into his pocket and walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by some tacos on a plate in the middle of the table. Harry was getting some plates from the cupboard when he heard Louis come in. "Any luck?" He asked as he passed Louis a plate. Louis didn't say anything, he just shook his head. "What's with all the plates?" He asked as he sat down. "Oh, I invited the boys over, thought we could watch a film or something. A few minutes of silence passed as they began eating, then there was a knock at the door. "That'll be them now." Harry said quickly standing up, as he opened the door he was faced with someone he did not expect, Eleanor. "What are you doing here?" He quickly asked. "I came to see Lou." She said before barging into the flat. Harry quickly ran ahead of her to find Louis still on his phone. "Louis, try to remain calm." He quietly said before sitting down. "Remain calm?" He asked looking rather confused until his eyes met Eleanor's. She was standing in the doorway and was staring at him. "What the hell are you doing here for?" He quickly snapped in her direction. "I'm, I'm sorry." She stuttered, talking to him was harder than she had originally thought. "You're sorry? For what? Ruining my reputation? Telling the whole world that I cheated on you when we both know very clearly that it was the other way around?" His face had changed into pure anger. "I didn't know what to do." She delicately said. "You want me to believe that? Why didn't you use common sense like me? If the press ask you something you don't answer them." Louis quickly stood up from his chair. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Harry ran to get it, he quickly ushered Liam, Niall and Zayn in and they all ran towards the shouting. "You really are a-" Louis began shouting before Harry quickly cut him off. "Eleanor, it's time to leave." Louis glanced back looking shocked "No. You need to go and tell the world the truth." Niall said from behind everyone. "You do realise how much pain you have already put him through." Niall stated before everyone began staring at him. Eleanor began to nod. "Then end this now, before it is too late." Niall said before pointing towards the door. Eleanor quickly walked out of Harry's flat and closed the door. She was shocked that Niall had gotten angry at her, he's the sweet Irish lad who loves everyone. No one really knew where he was coming from but the Louis remembered the day that he had broke up with Eleanor. He had gone to Harry's flat and Niall was very protective of him, perhaps he had gone through a similar thing? He didn't have time to ask as the boys were already sat at the table munching on the tacos. Louis sat down looked at Niall and mouthed the words "Thank you" Niall nodded and began eating his food.

More than just a friendship (One Direction, Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now