Chapter 5

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"Two concerts down, three to go!" Niall said cheerfully as all they boys clambered onto the tour bus. "Where are we going to eat?" Liam asked, looking around for his jacket. "Nandos" Niall said quickly, without hesitation. Liam and Niall got off the tour bus and waited outside for the other boys to join them. "Are you coming?" Zayn asked, as he walked towards the door, looking over at Harry and Louis, who were sat on the sofa, watching the inbetweeners. "Nah, we're just going to get some take out." Louis said focusing all of his attention on the screen. "Okay then, see you later." Zayn said before closing the door behind him. Louis put his arm around Harry, and cocked his eyebrow, Harry laughed at this and pulled Louis on top of him, they started a passionate kiss by small pecks, which slowly resorted into open mouths. Louis stopped the kiss suddenly, "Harry, I kind of want to, go further" Louis said avoiding eye contact, Harry pulled Louis face up to meet his, they stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever, they reconnected their lips, they took each others shirts off and took turns kissing each others chests, Louis reconnected his lips with Harry, they took off each others trousers, and started rubbing their groins against each other, letting out short moans when they broke their kiss for air. Louis pulled down Harry's underwear, their kiss suddenly stopped and they stared into each others eyes, "Are you sure?" Harry asked, Louis nodded and slowly moved his kisses down Harry's chest, when he reached Harry's bulge, he glanced up, Harry had his eyes closed and his head tilted slightly back. Louis smiled and moved his mouth around the tip, making Harry's moans become louder. Louis took this as encouragement and took long strokes, Harry pulled Louis back up to his lips and kissed him passionately, before trailing his kisses down Louis' chest, Louis enjoyed this and it showed, they suddenly stopped and Harry began to sit on top of him, making him become slightly confused. As soon as he was full inserted into Harry, he let out a yelp, this was the first time that either of them had experienced anything like this. When they had both finished, they looked into each others eyes, and smiled. They both pulled on some underwear and cuddled up next to each other on the sofa, "I love you Harry" Louis whispered, "I love you too Boo bear" Harry whispered back.

Harry had locked the bus from the inside in case someone tried to get in, Louis was putting the kettle on and glanced back at Harry. "You alright, love?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" Harry said back. There was a knock on the door followed by a familiar voice, "Guys, could you let us in?" Harry quickly picked up their dirty underwear and shoved them into his bag, before opening the door. As soon as he did, he was greeted by the friendly faces of Niall, Liam and Zayn. Liam and Zayn went to get changed and Niall grabbed a slice of pizza that Harry and Louis had got when the others went out. "Surely you can't still be hungry" Louis said, whilst handing him a cup of tea, Niall chuckled slightly and sat on the sofa next to Harry. Liam came back in and poured himself a glass of juice, followed by Zayn, who sat on the floor in front of the TV. "Anything good on?" Liam asked, sitting down, "The usual crap." Louis said flicking through channels, he suddenly stopped when he reached the news and saw pictures of Eleanor with her new boyfriend, the one she had cheated on Louis with. Louis dug his head into Harry's shoulder, it still hurt him to think about her, Niall quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel, "No need for that" He quickly said before putting the remote down on the coffee table. Harry put his arm around Louis "Don't worry about her Lou" Harry whispered into his ear so that only he could hear, it made him feel slightly better and he ruffled Harry's curls before looking back at the TV.

The tour was finally over, the boys lumbered over the the airport. They were slightly disappointed that they had to leave, but at the same time happy that they could get back to their normal life. There were three cabins, Louis and Harry didn't want to be too obvious so Louis took the single cabin, Harry shared with Liam and Niall shared with Zayn. It was quite late, so they went into their cabins and got ready to go to bed. All the boys were asleep, except Harry, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about Louis, the way he smiled into their kisses, the way he would tightly hug him, the moans that escaped his lips when Harry gave him love bites. Without thinking, Harry got up and sneaked out of the cabin, not being aware that the door slammed shut behind him, waking up Liam, he quickened his pace until he reached Louis' cabin. Liam knew exactly where Harry was going, but he ignored it and went back to sleep. As soon as Harry had knocked on the door, a sleepy Louis appeared, without hesitation, Harry slammed his lips on to him, causing Louis to smirk. "Can I help?" Louis asked sarcastically, as they parted from the kiss. "I can't sleep on my own" Harry said stroking Louis cheek, "Why didn't you get all snugly with Liam then?" Louis asked, chuckling to himself. "Boo bear" Harry said quietly looking sorry for himself,"Fine, get in" Louis said after he had crawled into his bed and had lifted the covers up for Harry. Harry clambered in and faced Louis, after placing a small peck on his lips, he turned off the light, and wrapped his arm around Louis waist. "Night Lou" He whispered, "Night Haz" Louis whispered back.

More than just a friendship (One Direction, Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now