Chapter 3

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Louis woke up early, he felt something clinging to his waist, he tilted his head slightly to see Harry peacefully asleep, hugging him. He quite liked the feeling of it, he slowly turned around to face Harry, his arm was still around Louis' waist. Louis patted Harry's hand slightly, causing him to smile, it made Louis smile too. Moments later Harry woke up, he saw Louis smiling at him, and then noticed his hand was around Louis waist. "Morning" Louis quickly pretended that he had just woken up and began rubbing his eyes, "Morning". Harry turned to look at the clock, it was eight am, no doubt that the boys would be arriving soon, they have to be at the studio for ten today for an interview at eleven. Harry got up and went for a shower, Louis was still in bed by the time he had finished, he could still feel the warmth from Harry's side of the bed, he heard Harry get out of the shower and quickly pretended to have fallen asleep again. "Aw Lou, come on Boo bear, time to get up" Harry said patting him slightly, sending shivers down Louis' spine. "I'm up, I'm up" He slowly said. Harry went to get dressed and Louis quickly went for a shower before anything raised. It was nearly half past nine when the boys arrived, they all crammed into the car and drove to the studio almost immediately. 

As soon as they arrived, they were rushed into hair and make up, Louis and Harry were both wearing stripes, which made them both burst out laughing when they saw each other, everyone else were dressed completely differently. The interview was based on a game of truth or dare, there were hundreds of truth questions in one hat and hundreds of dare challenges in another. Niall was first, dare. He picked out a piece of paper that read: Eat as many dry crackers as you can in ten seconds, this was a very fitting challenge for Niall, he managed three. Next up was Zayn, he chose truth, his piece of paper read: What was your first kiss? Zayn chuckled slightly at the memory before saying "I remember that I was too short to kiss a girl and I had to stand on a brick", this set the rest of the boys into fits of laughter, Harry was next, he chose truth too, the piece of paper read: Who is your celebrity crush? Harry jokingly looked over at Louis and said "Louis Tomlinson", causing everyone to laugh. Next up was Louis, he picked dare, the piece of paper read: Kiss the person to your left. This of course, was Harry. Everyone was laughing apart from them. They looked into each others eyes, their lips were hovering next to each other, they closed the gap. It started off as just a peck, which turned into Louis nibbling on Harry's bottom lips, asking for access, it was granted, they explored each others mouths with their tongues, slipping them in and out, it ended with a peck. They separated to hear silence, Liam quickly broke the silence "My turn!" He quickly said, this reassured everyone, he picked dare too, his dare was: Pull the strangest face that you can. Liam looked into the camera and did exactly that. It made everyone laugh nearly, Harry and Louis were looking at each other, deep in thought. Neither of them said a word on the journey home.

The boys could sense that something was up, then next morning, when they had gone to their flat the next morning, Harry was in his room and Louis was sat on the sofa, there was a pile of bedding and used clothing on the other sofa, which meant that they had not been sharing the same room. Zayn was running late, so Liam and Niall agreed to talk to them and see what was going on, they all have to leave for their world wide tour tonight and if two of them aren't talking, it's bound to show. Liam went to speak to Harry, Niall went to Louis, sure enough, they both realised what they were trying to do.  Liam walked into Harry's room and Harry just glanced at him before focusing all of his attention back onto his computer screen, he was re-watching the interview, when he kissed Louis. As soon as Niall walked over to Louis, he saw that he had the TV  paused on the moment when the kiss because heated and passionate. Niall sat next to him of the sofa, he stared at the screen. "If it helps at all, people aren't taking it seriously." Niall said still focusing his attention on the TV. "What difference does it make?" Louis grumbled, he looked at Niall, "What am I supposed to do?" Niall looked back at Louis, "Well, think of it this way, we leave for the tour tonight, that means a very long time on the plane" Louis looked confused. "What does that have to do with anything?", Niall rolled his eyes "You guys need to talk, I mean really need to talk, so you can on the tour." Louis considered the option for a moment or two and turned back to the TV, rewinding the footage to the start to the kiss, studying every single detail that Harry did. Liam sat on the bed next to Harry, he watched as the kiss replayed, constantly, before Harry closed the lid and dug his head into Liam's shoulder. "Liam, what am I supposed to do?", Liam looked down at Harry and took a deep breath, "Harry, seriously think about it this way, Louis will always be your friend, no matter what, so there is no need to make this difficult-" Liam suddenly stopped talking when he heard Harry sobbing. "Just talk to him" He quietly said. "Now then, come on, lets get you packed. He pulled a suitcase from under the bed, as soon as Harry saw it, he recognised it to be Louis', the one he had used when he has just broke up with Eleanor. "Don't use that one" Harry quickly said snatching it from Liam's grasp. Harry slowly walked into the living room, Niall had gone to the kitchen and Louis was on the sofa doing exactly what Harry was, watching the kiss over and over again. "It was quite something." Harry said quietly, but loudly enough for Louis to hear. Louis quickly grabbed the remote and pressed pause, he had paused it just at the moment before their lips had made contact. He looked over at Harry, he was holding his suitcase, handing it over to Louis. "We have to pack, we need to leave in an hour." Harry said quickly before going back into his room. Liam started to help Harry pack, taking jeans off of his hangers and folding them up, a few minuted had passed before Louis had opened the door, he was holding the suitcase and quietly said "Can I come in?" Liam quickly looked over to Harry, who was smiling slightly, "I'm going to go and see what Niall's up too" He quickly used as an excuse and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Louis rested his suitcase, open on the side of the bed, opened up his drawer and began unloading it. Every now and then the two of them would make eye contact and smile down at their clothes, hoping that the other wouldn't notice.

The boys had finally arrived at the airport, after going through customs, they only had an hour wait until their plane arrived. Zayn had finally made it and joined Liam and Niall, who were getting something to eat, Harry and Louis were sat in the waiting area. Awkward silence flooded the room until Harry decided to speak "Lou, we're still friends, right?" He looked up at louis who smiled down at him ruffling his hair, he  responded "Harry, how could we ever not be friends?" Harry looked seriously at Louis and he soon realised he meant business "And friends tell each other everything, right?" Lou looked concerned at Harry "Of course" He quickly responded "Well, when we...kissed, I, I quite, liked,it" Harry said quickly before slumping into his seat, Louis couldn't help but smile, the truth was, he loved the kiss, he just wanted Harry to say it first.

"Funny thing is, I did too" Louis said, avoiding eye contact. Harry quickly stared at Louis "You did?" Louis nodded, biting his lip. Harry couldn't help but smile, "Do you maybe wan-" Harry was quickly silenced by the other boys returning. Louis felt slightly disappointed, but at the same time relieved, he liked his best friend, and his best friend liked him too. Flight 210 is now boarding. The boys quickly grabbed their things and walked towards the gate, Louis walked slightly slower so that Harry could catch up with him, he smiled at him, Harry smiled back, things couldn't be better right now.

Harry looked around the cabin, all five of them were sharing it so that there was a smaller chance of any fans noticing them, everyone was asleep , except him, he peered over to the other side of the cabin, where Louis was sleeping, he looked so peaceful, he curled into a ball when he slept, Harry quietly walked over to him. Glancing over one last time at the other boys making sure that they were all asleep. He crawled into the bed next to Louis, who immediately noticed him, a smile soon spread across his face. "Hi" he whispered. "Hi" Harry whispered back. "Can I help you?" Louis asked, "Well" Harry began "I was ever so rudely interrupted before" He motioned to the boys, making Louis chuckle, "I was wondering if, you maybe wanted to" Harry suddenly stopped talking, he was too distracted by Louis lips, they were so perfect and all he wanted to do was lean in and kiss them. "Yes?" Louis asked, shocking Harry slightly, "Oh, I, um" He was silenced by a small peck from a pair of familliar lips, the kiss didn't last long but the boys could only smile. "You were saying?" Louis broke the silence,but Harry was too busy smiling, Louis pulled him under the covers more and hugged him tightly until they both fell asleep.

Louis woke up, it was morning but the rest of the boys were still asleep. He looked down at Harry, who was fast asleep, sleep had formed in his eyes, he was peacefully smiling in his sleep. He leaned over and gave Harry a peck on the lips, it wasn't much, but it woke him up. Harry looked up at Louis, he leaned up and connected their lips, it was a long, passionate kiss, at first it was a long peck, then Harry ran his tounge along the bottom of Louis lip, asking for entrance, which he gladly gave him, they were both smiling into the kiss, but it put neither of them off. The kiss then suddenly broke off when Louis pulled away, Harry frowned slightly at this, but then he soon realised that the other boys were waking up. He quickly but quietly got back in his own bed and pretended to be asleep, Louis did the same. Seconds later, they were both shook violently by the other boys. "Good morning" Louis said, wiping his eyes like he had just woken up. Harry's laughter quickly filled the cabin, the boys all stared at him, his attempts at controlling his laughter were hilarious. Louis soon shut him up by throwing his pillow at him, causing the other boys to chuckle slightly. "Come on guys, let's get breakfast" Niall quickly said digging into a bag that they had filled with food and drink. 

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