Chapter 6

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"So, it's true then" Liam finally said, all five of them were standing there, staring at each other. "We didn't know how to tell you" Harry said quietly. "It's alright" Niall said reassuringly. "We're not mad, just annoyed that you didn't tell us" Zayn finally said, "So does that mean, when you were both, in bed?" Liam hesitantly asked, making Zayn and Niall face towards him shocked, Louis and Harry both nodded. "Can we just, start again? The conversation, I mean" Harry said, "Hey guys, so, me and Louis are dating" Harry said linking his hand with Louis, it caused Louis to smile slightly, the others smiled too, this would of been the right way to of told them. "You and Louis, eh?" Liam nudged Harry's arm causing him to gesture towards Niall, Liam burst out laughing and walked into the living room. It was soon followed by everyone else taking their usual places on the sofa, as soon as Louis snuggled into Harry's chest, everyone felt slightly weird, they usually sat like this but now that they knew the truth, it wasn't the same, it would take some time to adjust but they were sure that they would be fine with it at some point. "Well, that could of gone better" Harry said turning to face Louis as he shut the door, "At least we kept our deal" Louis said smirking, "Oh, yeah, now, what was that again?" Harry said pulling Louis into a firm embrace, "I do believe it had something to do with me, you, a king sized bed, and an empty flat" He said, causing Harry to laugh, they reconnected their lips, short pecks were all they could manage as Louis dragged Harry onto their bed, he pushed him onto it, removing his shirt before laying on top of him. He started un dressing Harry, they were both in their boxers passionately snogging each other,  they didn't hear the front door open, they were too involved with their kiss, Harry let out a gigantic moan as Louis started sucking on the side of his neck, at this moment, the door opened and Liam was stood on the other side. He quickly put his hands o his eyes "Guys!" He shouted, forcing them to stop and laugh at him concealing everything from his vision, "Yes?" Harry asked "Can we help?" Louis cooed, "I came to tell you that we need to leave for the studio at eleven tomorrow" He said before turning around and taking his hands off of his eyes, he quickly walked down the hallway and closed the door, shaking the images he had in his mind away. Louis looked at Harry and burst out laughing "Still keeping our deal I see?" Harry laughed before reconnecting their lips.

Louis went into the kitchen to make some tea, as Harry went on to Twitter and started replying to some questions. He had answered around fourty when he decided to go and see what Louis was up to. As soon as he walked into the kitchen he embraced him from behind, rubbing his crotch on Louis. "Excuse me Harry, but would you mind not giving me a boner whilst I make tea?" Louis said, putting a tea bag into each cup, "It's just so easy." Harry said not letting go, Louis turned around and folded his arms. "What's wrong?" Harry asked trying not to laugh at Louis' serious face, "The boys will be here in a few moments and now, I have a problem" He motioned down to his crotch causing Harry to blush slightly, "Sorry Lou" He said looking sorry for himself. KNOCK KNOCK. "Right on cue" Louis said as he started walking towards the door, "Lou, you're going to answer the door, like that?" Harry asked, quite shocked, "They can consider it as a pre-warning, there's someone sexy in the kitchen" Louis winked, causing Harry to laugh, before he finished making the tea. "Hey guys" Louis said cheerfully as he opened the door, "Woah, woah!" Zayn pulled away from his and Louis' hug "What?" Louis asked looking confused "I just got jabbed in my leg" He quickly said, Louis looked down and realised what he meant, "It was't my fault, someone in there was a bit too excited" He said loudly as he motioned towards the kitchen where Harry was so that he could hear. The boys just looked at each other, before laughing, they quickly followed Louis into the kitchen, they were greeted by Harry, he looked over at Louis and started laughing, Louis was trying to act grumpy in front of Harry but it was hard. "Just for this, I wont cuddle you for the rest of the day" Louis said quite childlike. "No, please Lou, I need your cuddles" Harry quickly said running over to him, before Louis could answer, Harry forced him into a tight cuddle. "No time for that boys, we have to go" Liam said, motioning towards the clock, "What am I supposed to do?" Louis quickly asked, Harry turned around and winked at him before following the others.

They had finally arrived at the studio and Harry and Louis jumped out of the car before Zayn had a chance to park, "Give us five" Harry said as he grabbed Louis' hand and ran into the building, "Way to be discrete" Niall said causing Zayn and Liam to laugh. Harry dragged Louis into an empty cupboard and started pulling his trousers off, he was quickly welcomed by Louis' lips as he redirected his own south.

Louis leaned against the wall, panting, "Well...Styles...I didn't know you were that...good" He managed to say between breaths. Harry smiled and did up Louis' trousers for him, "We'd best hurry" He said pulling Louis in for one more peck before they ran to the studio, Louis was still panting when they reached it, he sat down next to the other boys, whilst Harry went into hair and make-up, "You alright Lou?" Liam asked when he noticed Louis was distracted, "That boy, is damn good" Louis said pointing to Harry, "Too much man, too much" Zayn said shaking his head, Louis laughed before he was called into make-up, he passed Harry on the way ad winked at him. As soon as Harry had finished, he joined the other boys, he was still smiling. "Have a good time then Harold?" Liam asked Harry, prodding him, "You have no idea" Harry said, "Well, Louis went into some detail-" Niall began, Harry quickly turned to face him and started laughing, he looked over at Louis, he was talking to the stylist and motioning towards his hair, "God he's sexy" Harry whispered, before turning around "I said that out loud didn't I?" He asked innocently, Zayn nodded and patted his shoulder before getting his phone out.

They were all crammed onto one sofa when the presenter walked in, she was tall, blond and had bright blue eyes, all the boys were mesmerised by her, except Louis and Harry, they were too busy discussing their plans for later on. "Hello guys, we go live in one minute, it's just going to be a basic interview and we have a few questions that we hope will, clear things up" She said before the boys all nodded, 5,4,3,2,1 the camera man counted down before pointing, "Good afternoon, today I'm here with boy band One Direction" She said as she started clapping along with the rest of the crew, they all waved and smiled into the camera. "So Liam, how are you liking being back home?" She asked looking towards at him "Well, personally, it's great to be back, we can be lazy and spend more time with our family and friends" Liam said before she responded "And Niall, is it true that you're planning to go back to Ireland for a few weeks?" "Yeah it is true, Liam is actually going to go with me, I haven't been able to see my family for a few months due to the tours" Niall said, smiling at Liam, "Oh that's sweet, and Zayn, have you found anyone special?" She asked, "A gentleman never tells" He said, winking at her, which made her blush slightly. "So then, Harry, have you got the boys back for pulling your pants down?" She asked, smiling, "Well, me and Louis are devising a plan of action, it will be when they least expect it" Harry said smiling at Louis, "Any sneak previews?" The interviewer asked, Harry opened his mouth to speak when Louis quickly said "That'd give it away!" This made the boys chuckle slightly, "And finally, Louis, I'm sure that everyone knows about the break up, have you got your eye on someone else?" She asked, causing all of the boys to face him, "I sure have" He said, smiling at Harry, causing him to blush. "Well, that's all we have got time for, tune in next week where we will have some more special guests" She said looking into the camera, the boys all waved at it, they then got up and went into the changing rooms. "Okay boys, your outfits are hanging up for the photo shoot, be ready in ten" The photographer said as he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Everyone ready?" Harry said adjusting his hair in the mirror, "I think so" Liam said, looking around, "Come on, love" Louis said pulling Harry through the door, winking at him as he grabbed his arse, "Calm down Lou, we don't want anything to happen" Harry said causing Louis to laugh, the other boys followed them out shaking their heads. "You're such a charmer" Harry said nudging Louis as he passed him, "You love it" Louis said winking. As soon as the boys walked towards the set, they were directed to stand in a line and smile. A few snaps of the camera and they were done. "Thanks for that guys" The photographer smiled and walked away. "Films and takeaway night?" Harry asked looking at the boys, "Sounds like a plan" Niall said, "As long as we get pizza" Liam added, "Yeah, I'm starved" Niall said causing the other boys to laugh, "You're always hungry" Zayn said, picking up his things, they then followed Harry out to their car and clambered into the back.

"What do we do about the press?" Harry asked, watching the news as a story of him and Louis appeared, "We let the world know" Louis said, linking his hand with Harry's. He smiled, perhaps it was time the world knew.


More than just a friendship (One Direction, Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now