Chapter 4

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"Finally at the hotel" Liam breathed, the plane journey seemed to last forever, then there were the mounds of traffic that they were in the middle of. Luckily, jet lag took care of that and they all slept for the entire car journey. Seeing as the first concert date was tomorrow, they were able to go out and explore the town. "Aussie tour!" Niall shouted getting out of the taxi, followed by Zayn, then Liam, and finally Harry and Louis. As they approached their rooms, they soon found out that three of them would be in one room, and two of them would be in a connecting room. Naturally, Harry and Louis opted for the double room, leaving Niall, Zayn and Liam for the triple room. As soon as Harry walked into their room, he put the suitcases next to the bed, before sitting on the edge of it, Louis then walked in, seeing Harry staring at him, he put down his suitcase next to Harry, closed the door ad sat next to him. "Can I help you?" He asked turning towards Harry. His question was quickly answered by the familiar pair of lips connecting with his, pushing him against the bed. A small moan escaped Louis' lips and Harry started kissing his neck, their kiss was caught short when there was a knock at their door. Harry quickly started unpacking his suitcase, whilst Louis went to open the door. "Hello neighbour" Zayn said walking into their room with two cups of tea, setting them on their bed side table, he looked at Louis, "Eh up, is that a love bite I see?" He said pointing to Louis' neck, which Harry had just attacked, he quickly began rubbing it. "No, I just banged, my neck" Louis awkwardly said, causing Harry to quietly chuckle to himself, he knew that Zayn didn't buy it, but they were in no mood to argue. "Oh, okay then" Zayn slowly said whilst backing out of the room. "Good job he knocked" Harry said grabbing Louis waist and pulling him in for another kiss.

"What's up with you?" Niall asked as Zayn walked back into the room, looking quite puzzled. "I'm not sure to be honest. I think that Louis has a love bite on his neck, when I asked him about it, he went all defence full" "It's probably nothing" Liam quickly suggested. Zayn nodded and began to unpack his things. Liam couldn't help but think about Louis and Harry being alone in a room after all that has happened, he soon chose to ignore it however, when they had both walked into the room and sat down on the sofa. Every now and then Harry and Louis would catch each other staring, which made them smile and the other boys question them. This happened for the rest of the day, the end of the day had finally arrived and everyone had to get an early night due to the concert tomorrow. Liam, Niall and Zayn had all gone to bed, Louis looked at Harry with a questioning eyebrow, he then picked Harry up bridal style and carried him into their room, he threw him onto the bed and closed the door behind him, he crawled on top of Harry and began kissing him, small pecks at first, they both stripped down to their boxers, taking it in turns to remove the other persons item of clothing. Their bodies were hot and steamy, they broke a passionate kiss and began panting. Slightly giggling to themselves, Harry curled into Louis' chest, Louis fiddled around with Harry's hair, soon after, they fell asleep.

Liam busted through the door, "Wake up, we need to-" He suddenly stopped talking when he saw two boys in their boxers, hugging in bed. He quickly closed the door and knocked. Harry quickly put on a dressing gown and opened the door to see Liam standing there looking  confused. He walked in to see Louis fully clothed, sorting out his hair "Good morning" He said, when he saw Liam standing in the doorway. "Hello" Liam quickly said, not knowing what else to do. "So, what's the problem?" Harry asked, getting back on topic."Oh, yeah, Zayn's making breakfast" Liam quickly said walking out of their room and closing the door. Harry turned around to face Louis, who was looking quite confused, "What was up with him?" He quickly asked before Harry shrugged his shoulders. Zayn was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes, not many people knew that he was actually a really good cook. Niall sat watching, he was incredibly hungry and had already called dibs on the first pancake. Liam walked back into their room, trying to forget the images that had been placed in his head. "You alright?" Zayn asked quite concerned tuning to Liam. "Yeah I'm fine" He quickly responded. The two boys then entered into the room, Liam immediately avoided eye contact with them.

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