Chapter 1

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When I was 10, my dad left for work and never came back. I remember asking mam where he was and she just told me that he had gone to visit my grandparents. Turns out, he just didn’t want me anymore. That was one of many lies I got told as a kid. As I grew up I just learnt not to trust my mam, I hardly trust anyone, I just built this wall up around me and only certain special people have ever managed to break it down. Sarah, my bestest friend in the whole world was one of those people. I met her when we both started secondary school in Newcastle where I grew up. We were both 11 and she had only just moved there due to her mums new job, she hated it. I had lived there my whole life, I was the popular girl with a tough reputation and who was always in trouble. In reality, our personalities just clicked. Shes been my best friend ever since, we had never been seperated for more than a few days so when my mam dumped that bombshell on me, I was not impressed.

I stared blankly at my mam who was sat in front of me, I was awaiting on her to tell me what was so important that she had to talk to me right this second. ‘Im fed up of your behaviour and your low grades Cheryl, I think it would be good for you if you have some time away from Newcastle. I would like it if you would attend this summer camp in America’ she said. I stared at her in disbelief, ‘What?! No *Ducking* way!’ I screamed, ‘Language Cheryl and I think you misunderstood me, I am not asking you, I am telling you! You are going whether you like it or not so go and get your suitcase packed!’ she stated. I was gobsmacked, she is sending me away? She is actually sending me away. ‘But mam, I’ll be better, I promise!’ I cried, ‘So you keep saying Cheryl, you keep making these promises that you can’t keep and quite frankly im fed up of it so just go get ready, you are leaving tomorrow’ she yelled. I just burst into tears before running upstairs into my room and slamming the door shut.

I stared out of the window, why are there so many *Ducking* palm trees, I thought to myself, I was pretty damn sure that I was going to hate it here. I wanted to go home already but mam had shipped me off here without even asking me first. I continued to watch my new surroundings as the car finally desended down a track to a camping ground. Orange County Summer Camp, it looked full of snobs and stuck up bitches, I could not see myself making any friends plus the only friend I wanted was Sarah, I didn’t need anyone else.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag, making my way through the crowds of people to where I needed to be. ‘Name’ snapped an old lady, peering at me from over her huge spectacles. ‘Cheryl, Cheryl Tweedy’ I muttered, ‘Over there in the maple Hut’ she stated before moving on. ‘*Female Dog*’ I muttered under my breath before trekking towards the hut she had pointed at. I walked up the steps and pushed open the large wooden door. I noticed a tall lanky girl sprawled out on one of the beds writing in what seemed to be a notebook. I walked over to another bed and slammed my bag down on top of it before lying on it myself. I noticed the girl looking at me, ‘What’ I snapped, ‘Nothing, whgats your name?’ she asked cheerily, I rolled my eyes in exasperation. was this girl for real. ‘Cheryl, you?’ I replied with a grunt. ‘Nadine, first time?’ the annoying girl answered, ‘What’ I grunted, ‘Is it your first time at summer camp’ she repeated, ‘why? Do I look like im a regular?’ I snapped before continuing to stare at the ceiling. I think she finally got the hint because when I turned to look at her again, she was back to writing in her notebook.

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