Chapter 2

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Last night had been the worst night of my life, the walls of this hut were like paper thin and you could hear everything and I mean everything. When I woke up this morning, Nadine was already dressed and was all cheerful again and quite frankly annoyed me. I don’t know how I was going to cope having her as my room mate. I couldn’t stand her already. I looked over to see that she was writing in that bloody notebook again, what could be so important that she had to write it down all the time.

I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling when there was a knock at the door. I turned towards the door and my eyes almost bulged out of my head. In front of me was the most stunning girl I had ever seen. She was wearing a short summer dress and I couldn’t help staring. ‘Hey Kimberley’ Nadine smiled sweetly, like seriously, suck up much? So this girls name was Kimberley, I liked it. ‘Hey, I just wanted to tell you that its breakfast time’ she smiled in response before turning to me. ‘Hi, I don’t think we’ve met im one of the camp councellors so if you ever need me, come find me’ she grinned, I just nodded as I couldn’t manage to find the words.

When Kimberley had left, I turned to see Nadine staring at me with a smirk on her face, ‘what?’ I snapped, ‘oh nothing’ she replied with a grin. I had so been caught drooling but I didn’t care, I just lay back on my bed and continued to stare at the ceiling. ‘So, are you a lesbian then’ came Nadine’s cheerful voice. ‘What?’ I snapped again, ‘Are.You. A. Lesbian. Then?’ she asked again but slowly, ‘Whats it to you’ I glared at her, ‘Well if its any concelation, she is only 18 so only two years older than you so still legal, she is just here as a summer job before university and she is from Bradford so not to far from you right?’ Nadine smirked, obviously thinking she was being clever. I rolled my eyes, ‘I’m not a lesbian’ I snapped, Nadine just laughed, ‘Right keep telling yourself that’ she continued to giggle to herself.

After a few minutes Nadine put her notebook away and looked at me ‘You coming to breakfast?’ she asked, ‘im not hungry’ I stated whilst glaring at her. She just shrugged and mumbled an ‘ok’ before walking out the door. Soon I found myself daydreaming of Kimberley or more specifically me and Kimberley together. I couldn’t help but smile at my thoughts although it was unlikely to ever happen, she was so obviously straight and probably had a boyfriend back home that tended to her every need. Why would she want me? I was nothing but a moody teenager.

I was in the middle of a really nice daydream where Kimberley turned up with flowers and professed her love for me when there was a knock at the door. I sighed as I looked towards the door, to my shock, Kimberley walked in. I just stared, I seemed to have forgotten how to talk as I moved myself into a sitting position. ‘Are you ok? Itsd just Nadine said you didn’t want to come down for breakfast’ Kimberley asked nicely. I just shrugged and struggled to get the words out before mumbling a quick ‘I wasn’t hungry’. Kimberley smiled her adorable smile and nodded slowly, ‘if theres ever anything you want to talk about, im here. That is what im here for afterall’ she said calmly. I nodded before blurting out, ‘do you have a boyfriend?’ I quickly covered my mouth in shock, I hadnt ment to say that at all. I blushed profusely and bowed my head to the floor as I sat forward on the edge of my bed. She giggled slightly, ‘no, im single, you have no reason to be embaressed’. I don’t think she quite understood how I was feeling. I looked up to see she was smiling at me and soon, I found myself smiling back.

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