Chapter 6

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We entered a clearing where Kim lead me over to some steps, she turned towards me, ‘You ok?’ she smiled, I nodded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. She smiled again before helping me down the steps onto the beach. I was still confused as to where she was taking me but I just kept quiet and took in my surroundings. I smiled at how warm it still was at this time here in LA, It was a far cry from the cold breezes of the UK. I felt myself being lead down the beach until we reached two ponies being held by a young woman. I stared wide eyed before turning to face Kimberley. ‘Nuh Uh’ I just about managed as I stared at her. She giggled, ‘come on, I’ll teach you’ Kimberley whispered into my ear. I took deep breaths as my heart beat got faster, I stuck close to Kim’s side as she showed me how to mount the pony.

Kim turned towards me and smiled, ‘I told you, I’d take you riding’. I returned the smile but I could still feel my whole body shaking at the prospect of actually riding this thing. Of course I couldn’t show my real nerves to Kimberley, I had a reputation to protect. Kimberley showed me how to get the horse to walk and slowdown and stop and I was finally getting the hang of it. She walked her pony slowly beside me and kept shooting me the odd glances as we trekked down the beach. ‘Do you like LA’ Kim asked as she turned back towards me, I shrugged my shoulders, ‘I don’t really know, I havnt been before so I havnt really seen any of it’ I sighed. She nodded, ‘maybe I’ll have to take you around all the best bits before we leave’ she grinned. I smiled a huge smile, ‘I’d like that but are you allowed to leave the camp, I don’t want to get you into trouble’ I smirked. She just giggled, ‘Don’t worry about that, theres no camp activities on a Saturday and they will most likely let you leave the camp if you are with me’.

After about an hour, Kim stopped her pony by a tree and dismounted so I followed suit. She attached both ponies to the palm tree and walked over to a blanket that was already laid out. ‘Take a seat’ she whispered into my ear, her breath on my cheek giving me butterflies. I sat beside her and she opened what looked like a picnic basket. I looked at the food that was now laid in front of me, ‘this looks amazing Kimba’ I stated, Kim placed her hand on my knee and rubbed it gently, ‘I hope you like it’ she whispered. My breath hitched as she ran light circles on my knee, finally withdrawing it ready to start serving the food. We ate in silence until all the food was gone, ‘lay with me’ Kim whispered as we both lay down on our backs staring at the starry sky. ‘Its beautiful’ I mumbled, Kim turned to look at me, ‘I know’ she replied whilst staring straight into my eyes. Why is it that I got the feeling she wasn’t talking about the sky.

We lay there in silence for what seemed like ages, ‘Wanna go for a swim’ Kim whispered flirtatiously, I giggled and bowed my head, ‘What? I don’t have my bikini’ I mumbled. Kim just smiled, ‘So’ before slowly slipping her dress off and kicking her shoes to the side. She then started walking backwards towards the sea, beckoning for me to follow her. I giggled before taking a deep breath and slipping my own top and trousers off, scrunching the sand between my toes before running after her. She laughed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the sea, the waves splashing around my ankles. Kim smiled at me, ‘Its bloody freezing’ I screamed as the cold hit me, she just laughed in response and span round in the water, ‘Yeah I know’ she screeched before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her. My breathing got heavy at the thought of how close we were and how our breasts were pressed together. ‘You ok’ Kim mumbled, I just nodded as words escaped me. ‘Can I kiss you’ Kim whispered nervously as she bit on her lower lip, I once again nodded as I felt her wrap my arms aroubnd my waist. I watched as she leant forward and it wasn’t long before I felt her lips on mine.

Our lips moved against eachothers as her hands ran up and down my back. I pulled her tighter towards me as I felt her tongue enter my mouth, I could feel the passion building but id never felt like this before and it kind of scared me what I was feeling for Kimba. Suddenly Kim took another step forward, knocking me off balance, resulting in me falling backwards into the sea pulling her on top of me. Kim cvracked up laughing as I frowned at her, ‘that was so not funny’ I snapped but she just kept laughing. ‘Yeah it really was Chez’ she giggled, ‘ok, it kind of was’ I joned in, It felt good to laugh, I felt like I hadnt had this much fun in a while. We sat in the sea just staring at eachother for a while before I noticed Kim leaning in once more as her lips connected with mine. She slowly pulled away, pecking me on the lips a few times before pulling away completely, ‘Come on, its getting late’ she grinned before pulling me up with her and heading back to shore.

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