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Three Weeks Later

‘Mam, do you want me to do the washing up?’ Cheryl asked as she wandered into the kitchen. Joan looked at her daughter as if she had grown two heads. ‘What did happen to you at that summer camp that changed you like this’ Joan exclaimed, Cheryl giggled, ‘nothing’ she mumbled as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. ‘Oh yeah, who’s the boy?’ laughed Joan, Cheryl shook her head vigorously, ‘N-n-no boy’ stammered Cheryl, Joan looked at her daughter again before asking; ‘ok, so who’s the girl?’ Cheryl looked at her mum, shocked as her mouth dropped open. ‘I’m not stupid darling, I know you better than you think! So who is she?’ she smiled, Cheryl’s face broke into a grin, ‘her names Kimberley and she is just amazing mam’ she exclaimed. ‘Oh really, so when do I get to meet her, make sure she’s alright for my daughter’ smirked Joan. Cheryl giggled slightly, ‘She lives in Bradford, that’s the down part’ Cheryl sighed. ‘I’m sorry pet, everything will work out in the end I’m sure, and you better go get ready for school’ Joan smiled before kissing her daughter on the head.

Cheryl sat in her usual chair at the back of Mr West’s English class, Sarah was sat with her. Ever since classes had started back up two weeks ago, Cheryl had actually been concentrating and working hard; A major change from her behaviour last term. Suddenly Cheryl’s phone beeped in her pocket, ‘sh!t’ she cursed as Mr West made his way over to her. Before he could say anything though, Danny Rook had stolen the phone right out of her hand. ‘Oi, give that back’ Cheryl yelled as he opened up the text message; ‘Hey beautiful, hope you are ok, I’m missing you lots, really want to see you, what are you up to tonight? I love you! Love Kimba’, The whole class laughed. ‘Oooooo Tweedy’s got a girlfriend’ Danny mimicked causing everyone to laugh again. Cheryl snatched the phone out of Danny’s hand before grabbing her bag and storming out of the class. ‘Cheryl, get back here’ yelled Mr West but Cheryl just wasn’t paying attention.

Cheryl stormed out the front gates and just ran, she continud to run until she reached her front door. There was a car parked outside but she didn’t pay any attention to it. By now she was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks, breathing heavily as she stumbled up the garden path. She knew her mum was going to be mad but she just didn’t care anymore. She slowly opened the door, stepped inside and quietly closed it behind her. She could hear voices and laughing coming from the front room so she edged towards the closed door. She pushed down the handle before stepping inside and is shocked at what she sees. ‘K-k-kimberley’ she stammers as she glances from Kimberley to her mum and back to Kimberley again before running up to Kim and diving on top of her, wrapping her arms around the girls neck, temporarily forgetting that her mum was in the room. ‘What are you doing here?’ exclaimed Cheryl as she sat down on Kim’s lap, making sure that her arms remained wrapped firmly around Kim’s neck. ‘I now live here’ she smiled at Cheryl’s excited face. ‘What? No way! Since when? How come?’ screeched Cheryl, Kim giggled, ‘I transfered to the University of Newcastle, I couldn’t bare to be away from you and I start next week, I move into my appartment today’ she smiled. ‘Oh My God, I love you so much’ Cheryl yelled as she hugged Kimberley tightly once more.

Joan had gone to the kitchen to make some tea whilst Cheryl was still sat on Kimberley’s lap. ‘Ive missed you’ Cheryl whispered, ‘I missed you too babe’ Kim mumbled before placing a light kiss on Cheryl’s lips. Just as the kisses started to get heated, Cheryl’s phone started to ring, ‘Sorry’ she mumbled as she pulled away to grab it, hello she stuttered, Cheryl rolled her eyes, Nadine, why is it, even when you are miles away, you still end up interupting my time with Kimba, Kim giggled and nuzzled Cheryl’s neck before placing a light kiss on her shoulder blade, Ok, you do that, bye . Cheryl rolled her eyes causing Kim to laugh. Just as they were about to kiss again, Joan entered with the tea. Cheryl turned to smile at her mum. ‘Are you missy about to explain to me why you aren’t at school’ Joan raised an eyebrow at her daughter. ‘Kim’s fault’ Cheryl muttered in reply, ‘How is it Kim’s fault exactly, you didn’t even know she was here’ laughed Joan, ‘Well it’s Kim’s fault because she texted me in class and Danny stole my phone, read the message out to everyone and then started teasing me for having a girlfriend so I stormed out’ Cheryl stated. Joan just looked at her daughter before rolling her eyes.

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