Chapter 14

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One Month Later

Kim leant her head in her hand as she looked down on her sleeping girlfriend. She smiled as she thought back over the past month. They had just gone from strength to strength until it got to the point where Cheryl was staying in Kimberley’s cabin practically every night causing for Nadine to end up covering for Cheryl on more than one occasion. They still hadn’t slept together but they were both just happy doing the puppy love thing at the moment and Kim didn’t want to push Cheryl into anything either. Kim leant down and kissed Cheryl’s neck repeatedly whilst running circles on her hip with her hand waiting for her to wake. Cheryl’s beautiful hazel eyes flickered open after a few minutes and stared straight into Kim’s own. Kim leant down and placed her lips against Cheryl’s in a chaste kiss. Cheryl’s mouth broke into a huge grin as their lips parted. ‘I can’t believe that we go home tomorrow’ Cheryl whispered sadly, Kim nodded slightly, her smile turning into a frown, ‘Don’t remind me’ she mumbled before climbing out of bed.

Cheryl watched as Kim grabbed her clothes and headed through to the bathroom, ‘Kimba, we have to talk about it’ Cheryl sighed in exasperation but Kim just ignored her. Cheryl collapsed back onto the bed, grabbed a pillow and covered her face with it, screaming as the pillow muffled her screams. She continued to just lay there in silence as the tears started to roll down her cheeks. Finally she rolled out of bed and put her own clothes on before grabbing her bag, pushing the door open and leaving Kim’s cabin, heading for her own. She stormed into her cabin slamming the door shut behind her as the tears started to fall. She walked straight over to her bed and fell face down onto it, burying her face into her pillow. Nadine was still asleep in her bed until Cheryl’s loud sobs woke her. ‘Chez’ she mumbled, Cheryl and Nadine had become really close over the past month and they really cared about eachother. ‘Cheryl’ she said again, this time a bit louder as she sat up in bed.

Cheryl just remained curled up in a ball as she continued to allow the tears to overcome her. ‘Babe’ Nadine whispered as she got up and edged closer towards Cheryl’s bed. She sat on the edge and used a hand to push some hair out of Cheryl’s now wet face.’Oh babe’ she sighed before pulling Cheryl up into a sitting position and wrapping her arms around Cheryl’s shaking body. ‘What happened?’ Nadine whispered as she tucked strands of Cheryl’s hair behind her ear and kissed her on top of her head, holding her close. ‘We go home tomorrow Nadz and Kimba doesn’t even want to talk about it. Maybe she doesn’t want to stay with me when we leave and she is just scared of telling me’ Cheryl cried into Nadine’s comforting arms. ‘Oh babe, that is so not true! She loves you! You’d have to be blind not to see that, you can tell that just from watching you two, the way she is with you, the way she looks at you. That girl loves you so much! I’ve never seen her this happy and I’ve known her for three years’ Nadine stated. ‘But then why Nadine’ Cheryl cried as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

An hour later and Cheryl had cried herself to sleep; Nadine was sat on her bed cross legged whilst writing in her diary. There was a light tap on the door before it opened to reveal Kim standing there. Nadine glanced up and smiled slightly, not saying anything, just returning her gaze to her diary instead. ‘You ok’ Kim queried before turning her gaze to a now sleeping Cheryl. ‘Don’t wake her…Ive only just managed to get her sleep as she was crying so much that she was hyperventilating…I was worried’ Nadine snapped at Kim before returning to her diary. ‘Nadz’ Kim started before she was interupted by an irate Nadine; ‘What is your problem Kimberley? She is dead upset that she has to go home tomorrow, leaving you and you, her girlfriend won’t even talk to her about it!’

Kim lowered herself so that she was sitting on the end of Cheryl’s bed by her feet. ‘It’s not like that’ Kim whispered, Nadine continued to stare at the diary, ‘what is it like then Kim’ she snapped before picking up her pen to write something. ‘I love her, I do’ Kim mumbled, ‘Well then What. Is. Your. Problem’ Nadine snapped again as she shot her head up to face her. ‘If I talk about it, it makes it real. I’m gonna miss her so much Nadine, its unreal, I just wish there was a way we could still be together, still see eachother every day but theres not’ Kim cried. Nadine sat their helpless, wishing that there was a way she could help her best friend. Suddenly her head shot up as realisation shot through her, she muttered one word; ‘transfer’ causing the same look to cover Kim’s face as a small smile slowly formed. ‘Why didn’t I think of that’ Kim exclaimed, Nadine just giggled before muttering; ‘love clouds the mind’.

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