2: Demon Torture. What's New?

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A/N: I'm starting this story off in season 9, so Sam's possessed by Gadreel, Cas is human, Charlie is in Oz, Crowley's in the Men of Letter's Dungeon and Dean knows everybody's secrets except Gadreel's.

The timeline will slowly become twisted throughout this story as its a GabrielxOC and Gabriel doesn't show up again until season 13.

"What do you know?" Sam demanded in a deadly tone to the demon he had his blade pressed to the neck of.

The demon was bloodied and his black eyes were on full display. He was tied to a metal, collapsable chair that was, of course, positioned in the center of a devil's trap. The blade at his neck had nicked his vessel's skin and a shock of heat went through him as it glowed orange for a moment.

After a hiss of pain the demon laughed, "have you ever tried asking politely?"

Sam pushed the blade even further against the monsters neck. Another wave of pain and flash of strange orange light had the demon huffing in what sounded like an attempt to laugh again.

"Of course not, you're a Winchester after all."

"Shut up!" Sam was seething. He just wanted to find his friend. Dean was going mad not knowing where Castiel is, knowing he's in danger as Ezekiel had told him. Not only that, Sam can tell his brother is keeping something from him, something big, and he's through with it.

Suddenly Sam's eyes flashed. A blue glow lit the demons face in front of him. The demon shuttered in his seat, unsure of what was happening. He stuttered in shock before the angel spoke from Sam's lips.

"You're being petulant, typical for a demon, give us what we want or I'll smite you where you sit," the voice was different. Actually everything was different. Sam's expression, tone, posture.

"You're an angel," the thing got cocky," does he know that you're possessing him?" he knew something the Winchester didn't.

Instantly there was a hand gripping his neck, he gasped and his hands automatically pulled against the ropes tying them to the arms of the chair, trying to reach fire the pair of hands around his throat.

"Tell me what you know, or I'm killing you," the angel demanded.

Under his breath he muttered," this is taking too long," and then the eyes of his vessel shone blue once again.

"Say something!" Sam's voice demanded. Sam took a step back and looked around himself.

He was standing closer to the demon than he was just a second ago. He shook his head and rubbed his brow. Things like this have been happening too much lately, but he hasn't even begun to suspect that this had anything to do with what Dean was keeping from him yet.

The tied up man took a deep rattling breath, causing Sam to shoot his gaze back to the creature, curiosity in his gaze, before he let out a wheezing laugh. Sam's face kept going between anger and confusion, deciding not to wonder on why the demon suddenly sounded in pain, he settled on anger. He needed to get this over with so he could meet back up with Dean, he could ponder these small strange things later on. Maybe Dean would have gotten a better lead than he has himself.

"I don't know where your brother's feathered boyfriend is. I don't pay much attention to the over sized fruit flies. Thats not my department."

Sam glared down at the smiling annoyance sitting in front of him.

"Then what is your department?"

"Wouldn't you like to kn-" a crunching sound filled the room. Sam's fist aimed for the empty space behind the demon's head. His nose broken now the demon snarled at him.

"What's your job? Lackey? Cross roads dealer? Some kind of spy?" Sam was smiling now, the conversation was finally headed somewhere.

"Guardian angel, you could say," this time the mocking smirk that appeared on his face confused the Winchester.

How could a demon be a guardian angel? Why would a demon be guarding anyone? Last time he heard of anything like that was in his own situation. Being one of Azazel's "children" Sam was watched over and guided by demons most of his young adult life. The time when he thought he was finally on his own, being independent and it was all a lie.

"What do you mean? Who are you guarding?" Sam meant to sound demanding but he recognized that his voice came out almost begging. It seemed that there potentially was another poor kid out there that needed their help.

The demon spat out blood before responding," look I've been tortured before, pain and threats aren't going to get you anywhere. Now I've got a post to get back to-"

"You're not getting back to your post-"

"Well if you're going to kill me go ahead and do it, you're not getting information out of me."

Sam thought in frustration for a moment,"and if i let you go? If you go back to your post, I'll follow."

The demon narrowed his eyes," and if i don't return to my post soon, my boss will have my hide."

"Crowley is kind of tied up at the moment."

"I don't mean Crowley," the man with black eyes chuckled and shook his head,"no, no, no, my boss is much worse. Actually, I think you know him. Very personally too. You see, without Crowley in Hell, there's no point in keeping visitors from The Cage. I found my way in after hearing that he was asking for a favor."

"He as in..." the moose of a man has his eyes open wide, you wouldn't be able to tell in the dark shack they were hidden away inside of but his face paled considerably.

"Oh yes. He asked a handful of us to watch over some kids for him. It's just me now though, everyone else failed, and failure isn't tolerated."

"He killed them?" Disbelief and denial weaving into his voice. How could Lucifer kill demons when he's locked up?

"Well, no. Those who didn't do the job themselves were taken out by others. We're being watched by others, spies sent by him to make sure we-"


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