4: Let's Get Together Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

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"So theres more demon kids out there?"

"We don't know what they are Dean."

Dean walked around the island in the kitchen with a beer in hand. He was frustrated that even more was being put on Sam's shoulders, but he didn't let it show on his face. Sam's possessed by an angel, still healing from doing the trials. He doesn't need this too.

So, as always, big brother put on a brave face in front of little brother. An expression of nonchalance took over Dean's face as Sam went over everything he found out again.

"So Lucifer put together a band of misfit toys to go find bambi, and the only demon left to lead us to the poor kid was killed right when he was about to give up his evil plan?"

Sam scoffed at his older brother,"how long has it been since you saw either of those movies?"

"What're you talking about?"

"It was Rudolf and the island of misfit toys, Dean."

The shorter Winchester tried not to look abashed, he turned away and waved Sam off,"whatever they're both deer. Point is... well, point is, we don't need this right now."

"What?" Sam took a step toward Dean disbelief flood his face,"Dean we have to help this kid!"

"No!" Dean whipped around to face Sam again," We need to find Cas! Hes in danger-"

"And this kid isn't?" Sam persisted. He knew what it was like to not understand himself, to not feel normal, to find out that his whole life had been directed by demons like some sort of puppet show.

"Sam, look, I understand that you feel like you need to save this kid because you didn't get to have a normal life and you feel somehow obligated to-"

"Dean, it could be an actual child. It's parents could be possessed. We need to check this out."

Dean looked into Sam's eyes. He stared for awhile and saw that Sam wasn't going to stand down. He sighed and lowered his head.

"Fine," he took a swig from his beer," lemme finish this and then we'll get to work."

Sam let out a sigh of relief. They were going to help this mysterious child no matter what it took.


Following ovens wherever they were strongest, the Winchester brothers stopped in a few towns on their way south and a few more on their way west. They didn't know what they were looking for, but their only lead was assassinated, so they were just winging it.

Every town had a demon infestation of some sort, which was strange because they don't make large gatherings often. The groupings were larger each town they stopped in.

"They've gotta be getting together for some reason, maybe its the kid," Sam suggested. It was his turn to drive after three days of Dean refusing to give up the wheel. Dean was laying in the back seat trying to get some shut eye.

"I still think this is none of our business and we should go back home. You need the rest, Sam," Dean had his hands behind his head, eyes closed and knees bent so that his 6 foot body could actually fit.

Same scoffed," how many times will I have to tell you that I feel fine before you believe me?"

Dean sighed and sat up," you did the trials, man, thats got to have taken some kind of toll on you. You can't just be ok-"

"Why?" Sam was beyond frustrated with this conversation. They'd had it so many times already and Dean just wasn't listening. He really felt fine. Well... there were those gaps in his memory every once in a while, but he was sure he'd just been zoning out. Maybe his mind was still processing everything.

Dean was at a loss for words. He sighed and laid back down with a small shrug," I don't know, you just can't. With our luck, something should be wrong," his mind flew to the angel in Sam's head,"Seriously wrong."

As Sam drove he looked over at a sign they were passing," Welcome to Texas," he read to his passenger.

Dean groaned and turned onto his side.

"You sure you don't wanna stop at a motel tonight? We both could use a decent night of sleep."

There was silence and Sam tilted the rearview mirror to look at Dean. The man was sleeping in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. Sam would get them to a motel by the end of the day no matter what complaints he got.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter. I forgot to write it yesterday, but I'd already had some of it written so I finished it up today. Yesterday I got a new iPad delivered, been waiting six months to get it and ordered it last week, so I was a bit distracted. I'm an artist~ if you wanna see my drawings you can follow my instagram @prosperingpages

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