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[ There will be times in this story where you will be unsure if Korean or English is being spoken (it's all my fault, I apologize). Here's a tip: Lee Chan and Julienne speak Korean around their friends, but speak English with one another. ]

"Hansol, I need your help," Lee Chan mumbled to his older friend.

Hansol was playing a video game on his Xbox, when he paused it, and patted the spot next to him on the mattress. "What's up, Dino?"

Dino was the nickname that Hansol gave Lee Chan when they first met. Lee Chan had on a dinosaur shirt and for some reason, Hansol thought of calling him Dino. The name managed to stick to him, and now Hansol doesn't call him anything else.

"I want you to help me write a note in English," Lee Chan asked, sitting down next to Hansol. "I'm not the best in English, and I need your help."

"Dino, I'm not doing your homework again," Hansol rolled his eyes, "I keep telling you that you need to practice."

"Hansol, I hit a girl in the head with a soccer ball earlier today and I want to apologize to her! This is serious, Hyung, I feel like an asshole."

"Okay, now you're cursing, so I believe you," Hansol said, his eyes wide, "but what do you even want to say to her? And why in English?"

"She's from America, her Korean is very limited," Lee Chan explained, "and I don't know what else to say. I just want to apologize and let her know it was a mistake. I'd even take her out and pay for a meal! I feel terrible!"

Hansol almost choked on his saliva. "Dino, take her out? Did you just say that?"

Lee Chan went red in the face. "She looked bad! The bump was forming and her eyes were rolling back. I really hope I didn't give her a concussion. I was going to take her out for ramen maybe?"

"You like her, Dino," Hansol smirked. He knew Lee Chan like the back of his hand.

"No, Hansol, I just want to make it up to her. Please, just help me with the note."

Hansol smiled, and patted his friend on the back.

"Don't worry, I got you covered."

The next day in class, Lee Chan sat quietly and waited for Julienne to walk through the door in the morning. His eyes are hurting from the lack of sleep, and his face is puffy. He stayed up a little late so he could practice some English. He wanted to be able to answer every question she said without hesitation, he wanted to seem like a good guy.

Finally, Julienne walked in behind Myung. She was tired, too, but it was because she watched a movie last night two hours after her usual bedtime. Her dark brown hair was put into a pony tail to keep it out of her face, and from where Lee Chan was sitting, he could see that she had on less makeup than from the day he first saw her.

Myung glared at Lee Chan with pure hatred, and silently threatened to break his neck as she sat down two desks from him. Julienne sat between the two of them and yawned, rubbing her eyes before pulling out a pencil and a notebook for the lesson.

This is it, Lee Chan! Give the note! Lee Chan slid the note over in front of Julienne and waited for her to notice it. Julienne wrote down the objective from the board, and then leaned back her eyes focused on the teacher who just walked in.

Look at the goddamn note, he thought, as the teacher turned on the projector.

"No notes today guys, we will be instead watching an American film. You can put away your notebooks," the teacher announced.

Julienne smiled and closed her notebook, not noticing that the note Lee Chan had passed to her was in between the pages of the notebook. She put the notebook in her backpack as Lee Chan watched in horror. All of that practicing and memorizing was for nothing, and he wanted nothing more but to cut his eyes out of his head.

"It was right there!" He whispered to himself, putting his head on the desk in shame.

Julienne didn't even notice his change in his mood, for she was more into the movie Madagascar playing at the front of the class.

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