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"Julienne, let's go!" Myung called to Julienne after school the next day.

The day was tiring and long, and Julienne wanted nothing more but to get home and sleep. Her teachers had blessed her with less homework this week, so she had a clear schedule for napping.

Julienne pulled her backpack straps onto her shoulders and followed behind Myung to the exit, where Sun and Ki were waiting for them. She had absolutely no makeup on and her eyes were a little puffy because of how tired she was. She honestly didn't think she would make it home by walking, since walking through the hallway was already tiring her out.

"Can we go and eat?" Ki asked, when Julienne and Myung had met them near the bike rack.

"Ki, you eat so damn much," Sun mumbled, beginning to walk away, "can we go one week without eating out? I don't have much money, you know."

Julienne wiped her eyes and sighed, following behind Sun. "I need sleep so badly, guys. Please, let's go."


The girls turned, seeing Chan rushing down the steps of the school towards them. Myung groans loudly, running her fingers through her hair. She was really hoping that she wouldn't have to deal with Chan today, but he kept showing up and bothering her.

"Hey, Chan, what's up?" Julienne smiled, her eyes in a hard squint. To Chan, she seemed super happy to see him, but honestly, her eyes were like that because she was so tired.

"Do you want to go to coffee stop with me?" Chan grinned, "I'll pay."

Julienne's smile dropped a little. "Can we go tomorrow? I'm very tired, Chan, I would like to go home and sleep."

Chan pouted, hearing how soft her voice was. He could tell that she was tired, she could've fell over if she closed her eyes for two seconds.

"I'll take you home," Chan offered, "we're going in the same direction anyways."

"Lee Chan, go away!" Myung yelled, cursing to him in Korean, "Go hang out with your own friends, damnit!"

"Julienne is my friend," Chan argued back. "leave me alone."

"She doesn't like you, okay? You need to stop hitting on girls! You're so annoying and you need to go away!"

"Myung!" Julienne screamed, her eyes shooting daggers at Myung.

The two stopped bickering, the two looking at the fuming Julienne. She sighs, holding her head in her hand in frustration. She was done with Myung's harsh words. She still had no idea why Myung would be so rude towards Chan, but there was no way she was going to let Myung put words in her mouth.

"Chan is not annoying," Julienne said, "and he is my friend. I can't believe you'd talk so badly about him."

"Julienne, he's r-"

"Not to me," Julienne cut her off.

Julienne looks to Chan, giving him a bright smile. Chan's cheeks are a vibrant red and his hands are a little clammy because of what Julienne had just said to Myung.

"Come, Chan," Julienne grabbed his hand, "let's go home."

Myung watches her friend walk away with Chan, her eyes widened. Her pulse had sped up and she felt embarrassed to be standing here in front of Sun and Ki. Tears were forming in her eyes as looked at the ground, her hands turned into fists as she tried to fight off her emotions.

"Myung, let's go," Ki mumbled, grabbing her friend's hand.

"Why do you look like that, Chan?" Hoshi asked when Chan had walked into Hansol's house.

Chan's face was slightly pink and his eyes were a little dazed, as if he had been smoking weed. His school bag hung loosely on his back, and his lips were a little dry.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Chan swore, opening his eyes a little wider, "I'm just a little...tired I guess?"

"School ended two hours ago," Hansol announced, still in his school uniform, "and the walk from your school to my house is only fifteen minutes. Where were you?"

"I was at Julienne's house for a bit," Chan admitted, "I had walked her home."

"WHAT?" Hoshi screamed, sitting up from his position on the couch. His eyes were widened, and his heart was racing a billion times faster than it was before.

"What exactly did you do?" Hansol asked, staring at Chan.

"W-We just ate some food together, she offered some kimchi and I couldn't say no," Chan told his hyungs, "and then we set up a time for us to go out tomorrow and eat."

"Where are you guys going?" Hoshi asked, his hand still over his fast beating heart.

"To this coffee shop just down the street from the school, she texted me once and said she loves going there," Chan grinned, "so we're going to that coffee shop."

"Why are your lips so red and dry?" Hansol mentioned, pointing at Chan's face.

"I've been constantly licking them," Chan answered.


"Is there a specific reason as to why I lick my lips?"

"When did you start licking your lips?" Hoshi butted in, getting up and standing in front of Chan.

Chan thought back to when Julienne had invited him into her house for a quick snack. He remembered how good the kimchi tasted and he remembered that he had gotten some on his lips. He chuckled, remembering when he didn't even realize that he had some on his lips onto Julienne pointed it out, and wiped it off for him.

"I don't remember," Chan lied, "and it doesn't even matter anyways. If you're trying to prove to me that I like Julie, it's not going to wo-"

"Julie? You call her Julie?" Hoshi smirked, crossing his arms.

"Y-Yeah, why not? Am I not allowed to call her Julie?" Chan said angrily.

"Why are you getting angry?"

"I'm not angry, damnit, Hyung."

"If you're not angry Chan," Hoshi smiled, putting a hand on his younger friend's shoulder, "then why are you cursing? Why are you raising your voice?"

Chan stood silently, letting the heat that rose to his ears die down a little. He was positive that he didn't like Julienne, they had just met about a week and a half ago. He's too young to even think about being with girls. His hyungs were just teasing him for no good reason.

"I don't like her," he growled, "and it would make my life a little easier if you simply respected what I said."

"Fine," Hoshi promised, "but if you end up liking her before the beginning of the next school year, then you have to pay for all of us to eat at that expensive restaurant in the shopping center."

"The price for one meal there could get me three complete outfits!" Chan whined.

"If you don't like her, like you say you don't, then this should be no problem for you," Hoshi smirked, sticking his pinky out for Chan to shake.

Hansol sighed when he saw Chan quickly grab onto Hoshi's pinky with his own.

"The poor kid won't last another week," he thought.

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