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"Chan?" Hansol questioned, when he opened the door, seeing his friend panting in front of him, "Are you okay?"

Chan took a step into Hansol's home, his breathing staggered and inadequate. His head was spinning and his heart was pumping a hundred times faster than normal. He couldn't keep his eyes open more than halfway, and his body felt unbelievably heavy.

Hansol wrapped his arm around his younger friend's shoulders, closing the front door before slowly walking the both of them to the couch to sit.

"What happened?" Hansol asked, positioning Chan up right on the couch, "Are you hurt?"

Chan's eyes closed, as he put his hand over his chest in an attempt to calm his heart rate. He couldn't think about anything else but the messages he saw on Julienne's phone, and it only made him more queasy and sick to his stomach.

"J-Julienne," Chan stammered, his breathing still abnormal, "s-she d-doesn't l-l-like m-me."

"Oh God," Hansol asked, looking at Chan's face, "Chan, your eyes are wet now."

Chan knew that. It was an embarrassment to let his friend see him crying over a girl, and he just kept his eyes closed.

"Dino," Hansol put a hand on his knee, "it's okay to be upset, I'm not going to judge you at all. I'm your friend."

Chan opened his eyes, looking at Hansol, who was squatting in front of him and looking at Chan with so much concern. Chan tried so hard to hold his tears in but Hansol opened his arms, letting Chan into his embrace and cry into his shoulder.

"Chan, I didn't know you liked her this much," Hansol sighed, as Chan sniffed into his shirt.

"I-I didn't know I was so into her," Chan admitted, "but then I saw the texts on her phone an-"

"What texts?" Hansol asked.

"She's going out with Wonwoo tomorrow," Chan explained, "she's probably hung out with him before too. He said he couldn't wait to see her again, Hyung, I almost vomited in her living room."

"Ah, Chan, I'm sorry," Hansol said sincerely, patting Chan's back, "I'm so sorry."

"Hyung, what should I do?" Chan questioned, wiping his eyes.

"Chan, I don't know honestly. Just, try to have a conversation with her about it, bring it up when you guys hang out together again."

Chan nodded, sniffing again and letting go of Hansol. "Can I spend the night here?"

"Of course."

"You ran yesterday," Julienne mentioned when her and Chan sat at the coffee shop the next morning.

Julienne was feeling sick and didn't feel like attending school, and Chan's head hurt from crying so they did met at the coffee shop to see each other.

"I'm sorry," Chan mumbled, sipping on his iced tea, "I don't know what came over me."

"Do you want to talk about it with me?" Julienne asked, putting her hand on Chan's in the middle of the table. Chan jerked his hand away, almost tipping over his drink.

Julienne's eyes widened at his gesture and she looked towards the table in embarrassment. Where was that move even coming from? He suddenly acts as if she was a complete stranger.

"Chan, calm down," she told him.

"I didn't mean," Chan answered.

"I didn't mean to," Julienne corrected him.

"Whatever," Chan said harshly turning his eyes to the view outside the window.

Julienne simply got up, grabbing her cup of coffee. Chan looked at her, his eyes showing a sign of confusion as she begins to walk to the exit.

"Where are y-"

"Home," Julienne cut him off, "give me a call when you're no longer being a dick."

Chan followed behind her (making a mental note to ask what 'dick' meant), grabbing her forearm as she tried to open the door. "Don't go."

"Leave me alone," Julienne rolled her eyes, "I don't feel good anyway. I wasted my time coming out here for you, when I could've been with W-"

Julienne stopped, taking a breath and yanking her arm away from Chan. Chan stared at her, knowing that Wonwoo's name was about to come out of her mouth. She was already choosing Wonwoo over him, and it's probably only been a week tops.

"Say it," Chan muttered, "You prefer Wonwoo over me."

Julienne's eyes shot open, as Chan looked towards the ceiling and closed his eyes, waiting for her answer.

Julienne instead pulls Chan back to the booth where they were sitting, holding his hand across the table. To her satisfaction, he didn't pull away aggressively this time.

"You are my best friend, Chan, and I'm not lying," Julienne admitted. "Sure, Myung is my close friend also, but you're the first to hear things and I trust you more."

"You didn't trust me with stuff about Wonwoo," Chan frowned.

"I didn't know what Wonwoo was to me," Julienne answered, "we hung out a lot and stuff, b-but I didn't know what t-"

"What is Wonwoo to you now?" Chan asked, his heart steadily getting faster since he most likely knew the answer.

Julienne sighed, looking out the window before looking at Chan again.

"I-I think I like him," she confessed, "i-is that wrong?"

I'm trying so hard not to run to the school and beat his ass, Chan thought as he smiled at Julienne.

"There's nothing wrong with liking him," Chan lied, "it's cute actually. I never pictured you being with someone."

"You thought I would be single forever?" Julienne pouted.

Chan only laughed, although he had already formed a reply in his head, one Julienne would never get the chance to hear.

"I only ever pictured you with me."

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