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Hansol sat quietly in Lee Chan's kitchen, eating the homemade kimchi egg rolls that were leftover in his fridge. Lee Chan had called him over right after school, saying that he needed help with English again. With nothing better to do, Hansol walked over to his house and sat in the kitchen, listening to Lee Chan running around upstairs trying to change into more comfortable clothes.

"Hansol! She wrote the whole message in English and I don't get it!" Lee Chan complained, as he wobbled down the stairs while pulling his shirt down.

Hansol chuckled, seeing that Lee Chan was sad and pouting. He tried to teach English to Lee Chan multiple times, but Lee Chan got distracted and bored and began speaking Korean again.

"Let me see the note," Hansol ordered, reaching out for the note in Lee Chan's hands.

"No!" Lee Chan yelled, snatching his hand back. Hansol almost dropped his plate of food because of Lee Chan's sudden scream.

"What is your problem?" Hansol asked, annoyed with Lee Chan. Lee Chan only sighed, looking at his hyung with his solemn eyes.

"What if there's something in this note, that was meant only for my eyes, Hansol?" Lee Chan wondered, "She probably thinks I speak good English and she probably said something here just for me to read."

"Dino, how would you know what she said," Hansol reminded him, "if you don't let me translate the note?"

Lee Chan sighed, shakily giving the note for Hansol to read. Hansol took the note in between his fingers and opened it, scanning the note for a moment before reading it aloud to Lee Chan in Korean.

Lee Chan,

Thank you for the note :-) I'm doing fine now, and I forgive you. I know that it was only an accident, don't feel so bad about what happened. But I'd love to be friends! I'm not used to Korea yet, and it would make me happy if we could hang out maybe.

- Augustin Julienne (Julie) ^.~

"OH MY GOD!" Lee Chan exclaimed, his heart racing ten times faster than before. Hansol laughed loudly at Lee Chan's expression, since he's never Lee Chan so excited over what a girl has said to him.

"I thought she would hate, me Hansol," Lee Chan sighed in content, "Choi Myung has this thing with making me seem like an asshole. I didn't want Julienne to think I was a terrible person."

"So, what are you going to do?" Hansol asked, sitting back and getting out another kimchi roll.

Lee Chan honestly had no idea what he should? Should he ask for her number, or wait until after he had taken her around the town? Julienne had this aura of fun and enjoyment that Lee Chan found amazing. She seemed like she was full of life.

"Here's what I think you should do," Hansol spoke, putting down his half eaten kimchi roll when Lee Chan was silent for too long, "You continue this cute ass note thingy, but you do it using your mouths."

"Kissing? Hansol, I don't like her like that!" Lee Chan exclaimed, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"No, Dino, talking. You need to open your lips, and talk to her," Hansol said slowly for his friend to understand. Lee Chan shook his head.

"I don't speak good English."

"Is her Korean okay? Can she understand what your teachers say when they are teaching the class? Has she been called on in class, and answered the question correctly?"

"Well, y-yes," Lee Chan stammered.

"Then, speak to the girl! Start with small sentences, ones that she'll be able to answer to without a problem. Have a conversation. As time passes, and she becomes comfortable with you, go out and hang at the movies or go eat somewhere. That's what she wants," Hansol explained, "Not only does she become friends with you, she learns Korean and you will learn English by talking with her in class. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"Hansol, that's not going to work!" Lee Chan rolled his eyes, "I can't learn English."

Hansol rolled his eyes also, because he noticed that Lee Chan's English was honestly getting better. How could he not see that?

"You studied for seven hours two days ago so you be able to speak to that girl," Hansol reminded him. "Trust me, Dino, you're doing great."

Lee Chan smiled and hugged his friend.

"Thank you, Hyung."

"No problem."

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