Chapter 4- My call

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This is just a filler really i wasn't quite sure what to write and i'm not sure if it's really relivent. 

What am i going to do they didn't really want me, they only said that because i was sitting there. Kier is the only one in that whole family that wants me there. I was swinging my legs off the side of a bridge. I don't know how i found the bridge my legs just carried me here. Well maybe if you get your sketch book out you can relax and think it over. That was a good i idea, i rummaged through my bag to find my battered sketch book. Flicking to a clear page all of my drawings were just of FVK, their poster, cartoons, just little doodles of them.I relaxedand let my pencil glide across the page.

So we could stay here for kier and just talk it over with new mum and dad and try to come to an understanding, work out what you are going to do with your life. Or you could be the coward you are and run. Not look back never go to another show break his heart but sooner or later he would forget about you. My thought were drifting along these lines before broken by hearing Death or Disgrace playing. It took me a while to work out it was my phone.

"Sup?" You should really look at caller ID before you answer.

"Hey Maggie? Where the fuck are you?" The stern voice down the phone was my friend Sam. "You know your meant to be in school right now? You're in Norfolk right now aren't you?" How the hell does she always know where i am. O yer you told her about the adoption thing remember? You had to have some where to stay once you were kicked out. "You agreed you wouldn't go until the weekend and that you would take me with you."

 "I know i just couldn't cope in the village anymore i kept on running into my old family, I needed to get away. Well you should be happy you're not here it would be very awkward, i ended up yelling at my parents they never wanted me in the first place. But the bright side is that Kier Kemp is my brother" I tried to sound really cheery about what i had just said but i didn't succeed, i knew Sam was going to ignore it so we didn't have to talk about it.

"How do you know your related to Kier? Were there photos of him round the house? Or did they tell you your brother was called Kier?" She can really talk quickly if she wants. I wonder when she's going to breath so i can get a word in.

" No none of the above, it's even better. He was the one who answered the door with the rest of the lads."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" nice like that boosts my confidence. "So on a scale of 1 to 10 how awkward was it?" I could still hear the laughter in her voice. It started to make me laugh to.

"Agent Coulson with Captain America!" I managed through sniggers.

 "Ooo that bad? Well if you show them your geeky knowledge they will love you." We carried on chatting for hours till Sam's frees were over and she had to go to lesson.

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