Chapter 6- Star lit walk

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Maggie's POV

We were all sitting in the living room, as it was the only room big enough to hold all 8 of us, laughing at drew trying to do terrible impression of all of us. Tears were rolling down all of our faces as we started choking on the pizza from laughing too much. Why couldn't my old family have been like this? Having nice nights together getting along. Laurence let out a massive burp.

"Laurence that is horrible, does your mother know you go round other people's houses to act like that?" Tracy looked taken aback and stunned at him.

"Sorry Tracy" He looked a bit sheepish.

"God Beverage if you're going to burp, do it properly." i said as i let out a burp that put his to shame. Everyone look shocked and didn't know what to do till Alan started to piss himself and set everyone else off.

"She is going to fit right in" Luke managed to say through wheezes.

We spend the rest of the evening watching Saw movies and i laughed at how squeamish the guys were. "Your all poof can none of you stand guts?" I giggled.

"Yes we's the back of the knees we can't stand"  Drew said flapping his hands around.

Alan and Tracy started to move and looked at their watches. "Look at the time it's 2AM. We're going to bed" All the Guys started to move and mumbled stuff about needing to go home and sleep

"Maggie you're welcome to stay here if you want." The sentence was followed by silence.

"I'm fine going to the inn down the road. It's not that much of a fuss honest."

"Are you sure? We do have a guest room your welcome to use it." Kier was starting to push it. I had already said to him about the inn and though out the night he had insisted that i stayed later and later.

"No it's all right Kier, either way i've got stuff i need to do and i don't want to keep all you guys awake." good your slowing dodging it.

"Well i'll walk you then. I just want to make sure you get there okay." I gave a quick glance around the room hoping someone would come to my rescue, then drew butted in.

"Mate, the inn is on the way to my house. I'll be happy to walk her there and then at least you don't have to walk back home in the cold." He then gave me a quick wink and smiled.

"Okay but give me a call once you get there." We all said our goodbyes. Laurence muttered something about how he needs a rematch with our burping contest and Barrone said how he wanted a proper look at my sketch book as he got a glance of it earlier.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how awkward the walk with Kier would have been." By now it was just me and Drew walking down the street.

"Ha yer he can get a bit intense when he doesn't mean to be." We have been walking for a while and all did was stare at Drew while he was talking as the street lamps just lit his face up in just the right way. Come on he is now your brothers friend you can't hit on him, i know you liked him before but now it is different. We walked in silence for a bit, i thought i saw drew looking at me every so often but when i looked he was looking at the sky. What are you even thinking he will never be interested in a girl like you, he has thousands of other pretty girls that he can choose from. Drew suddenly broke the silence.

"You know what i've got something that i really want to show you." with one of his hands he grabbed my hand with the other he took my bag off me. We started running into the dark away from the light.

I questioned him with stuff like "Are you sure this is safe?" and "Where are we even going?" to which i got no response. After a few minutes of running we came to a clearing.

"We're here, don't look up till i tell you to." He grabbed both my arms and started to move me round the clearing till he decided i was in the right place. "Okay now you can look up." As i tilted my head my eyes came into contact with a dark blue sky with covered with sparkling whitey-yellow dots.

"O my god! Drew this is beautiful. Hey look the seven sisters, the big dipper and that's the north star." I turned around to his just staring at me not in the' i was weird for knowing about stars' way but he look happy for my happiness and a smile had spread across his face. "What?"

"O nothing." He looked about quickly, i could see his cheeks going red. Is he embarrassed? Aaaawww look how cute he is. No STOP IT he is your brother friend. "Any way how do you know so much about stars?" By this point he had walked so he was closer to me, but not next to me.

"Well every time i went on holiday with my 'Other' family me and my dad would go onto the roof and look at the stars and he would show me planets and stuff. Like see that one the big dipper if you follow it you get to the north star." We stood there and lost track of time me telling drew about the stars and showing him where they were. At one point he came to my height (Which wasn't that shorter than him) so i could point more stuff out. Is that his hand on your back OMG! it is. DREW WOOLNOUGH is putting his hand on my back. The Spiderman theme song broke our conversation.

"Hi sorry we haven't got there we took a detour" He started pulling faces at me, which i responded to with even weirder faces making him have to muffle his laughter so he doesn't laugh at kier . "Okay...yer i know it's late but....okay i'll get her there..okay bye...bye kier" I saw him roll his eyes and let out a sign. "Come on let's go his getting pissy now." he picked up my bag and started to walk away.

"O come on it's not even that late.... O never mind it's 3am." I sheepishly smiled at him wanting a happy reaction but got nothing. We soon got to the inn.

"So do you have any plans for tomorrow?" drew scratched his neck. Aaaawww they all seem to do this when they get nerves.

"Not really i thought i could maybe hang out with you guys..if thats okay i don't want to impose."

"Well tomorrows my day off while the guys are working on some stuff i could show you round town if you really want." He shrugged a bit.

"That would be brilliant." I could see him trying so hard to hide the grin crossing his face.

"Okay so i will come get you at 9 and we can catch the bus. Here's my number so you can text me when you wake up."

"Cool  See you then"

"Yer its a date" We both just stood there once he realised what he said and then did an awkward hug trying not to hug longer than needed. I waved as i walked in to the inn and saw him pull out his phone to call kier. Once out of sight i did a slight jig. I've got a date with drew, well sort of.

Once i got into my room i felt shattered and just fell flat on my face. Today was actually a good dayi hope tomorrow is better.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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