Chapter 5- Kier's POV

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Kier's POV

Okay i know she needs to cool down, we all heard how pissed she got, i would have got that pissed too if i found out my real parents didn't want me in the first place. But she has been gone for hours, she said she would come back. I don't want her to leave i just found out about her.

" Kier stop staring out the window she will come back and when she does she will be creeped out as your staring at her." i hear the muffled yell of Laurence from the living room as he sits watching TV with the rest of the guys, he had been telling me this for ages but i hadn't been listening.

"I know" i said while letting out a massive sigh. i had finally given up as i walked to sit on the sofa with Barrone.

"She will come back, it may not be for them but she will for you. Didn't you see the look on her face?" Barrone's calm voice washed over me. He was right, he was always right. I couldn't get that look out of my face, that heart broken look with the little spark in the eye when i held her arm and begged for her to stay.

"And if she doesn't we will find her." Drew muttered low enough that i could have missed it if i wasn't paying attention. He looked really sad at this point, i didn't understand why, it's not like it was his long lost little sister that might have run away. His right we will find her, she is bound to turn up at another show sooner or later.

"You know you two do sort of look similar now that i think about it" This was the first time luke had spoke all day. He was laying in an arm chair in the corner.

"How? i didn't see it." I snapped.

"Whoa, of course you didn't see it. You can't look at yourself and her at the same time." Laurence chuckled. He does have some logic there and Dude chill you don't have to be stressy at them , they are trying to help. "You both have the same eyes and lips." I giggled a bit of course Laurence would have been the once to notice that we have the same lips.

"Well it's been four hours i want to look for her. I just want to make sure that she's not lost of hurt." I started to panic at the thought of it, Norfolk can sometimes be ruff in some places i didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Give her a little bit longer then we will ALL go out and help you look okay?" Barrone was great at keeping us calm some times .

I can't wait longer i have to find her. Just think up a good excuse to leave the house and search for her. "Okay...Well i'm going to check something in the van and be back in a bit." As i stood up to leave regret'. After grabbing a coat i left.

Where the hell would you find a 17 year old girl who has no idea how to get around here? I tried to think of all the places i used to hang out at when i wanted to get way. She might be at the bridge that a good place to go, well it's really hard to find i'll be amazed if she's there but lets try never the less. I just let my legs take me i knew the path off by heart. Take the first left before the swings, duck under the low hanging branch, hop over the three rock and now a quick left, right and another right. I could see a figure standing on the wall of the bridge, with a bag at her feet.

"MAGGIE DON'T  JUMP!"  I couldn't think of anything else as i ran to her, i just didn't want her to get hurt.  She spun around and feel off into my arms.

"Mate, if someone is standing on a wall. DON'T sneak up behind them and yell at them." She looked really angry then she realised it was me and her face dropped a bit. Look what you have done now she doesn't want to be around you. You shouldn't have come out here. "O hi Kier...How did you find me? And i wasn't going to jump i was just on the phone"

"Ha o is where i used to hang out" I could feel a sad grin come across my face. "I've been really worried about you. Can you just come home so i can talk to you?"

"You're talking to me now, we don't have to go back to YOUR house" She spat the last words out.

"I know your upset but i promise that mum and dad are really nice people and they want to care for you...and to be honest i've always wanted a little sister." Wipe that stupid grin off your face.

"I do want to give them a chance but i'm scared it's because they feel sorry for me about the fact that i have no family or home" By this point i had placed her on the floor and she has started to move her foot round in a circle.

"They're going to love you and even if it doesn't work out with them.." I stared at the floor, scratching my neck.  Are you really about to say it to her? You've only known her for less than an hour. "You could always move in with me and the guys..If that's okay with you?" I rushed the last bit trying not to seem too pushy. I looked up to see a massive grin fill her face. She then threw herself at me, i felt the fall body impact and got winded.

"You're the best long lost brother ever" she yelled as she squeezed all the air out of my body.

We stood there laughing for a bit, till i heard her stomach rumble. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Um..last night " She ran her hand through her hair. Does she think i'm going to get annoyed at the fact that she hasn't eaten?

"Well we were going to order in pizza, so there will be enough if you want to join us." She nodded. I placed my arm over her shoulders as we walked home.

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