♥Chapter 3♥

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"Dammit! My jacket got stained!" Exclaimed Ace from a berry bush. A small, fragile berry he was about to pick exploded on his yellow, blue and white jacket.

"Well, that's your mistake for going inside a bush." I laughed. "I think it's better if you handle the berries more gently rather than go squish with them." I said, picking a mango from a high branch.

After a few more berry explosions, we decided to switch jobs. I picked the berries instead and Ace picked the mangos and avocados.

"My hands are full now." He called out from somewhere high. I turn around from picking the last, small berry to see Ace sitting on a tree branch, hands full of fruit.

"I guess mines are too," I said, looking at the huge leaves filled with berries in my hand. "Let's head back now."

I turn around back where we came from and Ace jumped down and caught up beside me. We walked in the jungle awkwardly and silently until he asked, "Do you like to skydive?"

I looked at him with a confused look for a while. "I...haven't really tried it yet. But I guess pushing me off the plane earlier counts." I then looked forward to see the path ahead of me to the beach. "So, no. I didn't really enjoy that. Why?" I look over at him and he looked like he a feeling of guilt had taken over him.

"But atleast you saved my life and some others, right?" I said, trying to lighten things up.

He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, I guess."

Something about that smile made my heart jump.


When we reached the beach, the sun was almost ready to set. There was a spot where Misty, Maria, and a bunch or sticks sat, so we assumed that's where we were supposed to put our fruit.

A few minutes later, Silkver and Soni flew from the ocean with dozens of fish in nets.

"Wow I can't believe I still remember how to fish from twelve years ago." Soni said, setting the net down gently with his sister. At least these guys were more gentle when it comes to dropping things than Neon or Nero.

"Whoa, Ace what happened to you?" Silkver asked, taking notice of the multiple splats on his jacket. "Looked like you had an accident in a smoothie factory or something." She snickered.

He took off his jacket and put it beside him. "Apparently, I can't handle berries easily. So Mika did it instead."

When everyone was done with their things, we all gathered around to discuss our plans on how to escape the island.

Then before we knew it, the sun was already beggining to set. Kit lit up the sticks to make a bonfire. I looked at the amazing display the sunset was giving.

"This is really beautiful." I whispered to myself. Although sunsets back in the Philippines could be as breathtaking, I never had the time to see it because I lived in the city with my friends.

"But not as beautiful as you." Said a voice that trailed off. I turn to the direction of the voice to find that it belonged to Ace.

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