7. Distraction

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*2 Nights Before The Wedding*

I’m lying in bed thinking. Its only 5 in the afternoon and I’ve been in this house all day. I need to get out so I change into a black skirt, a black buister with spikes and my black high heels. I curl my hair and apply simple make up before walking downstairs. (Outfit on the side sorta without the jacket :)

“Well where are you going?” Eleanor looks at me.

“Out.” I shrug my shoulders. “I saw a club a couple days ago that I want to check out.”

Eleanor sighs, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? Just because Louis came home today you think I can’t go out and have fun? All I’ve done is plan your wedding and try to forget about Harry so I’m going out.” I say simply walking towards the door. 

“Wait! At least let me be your wingman.” She says running upstairs to get dressed. When she returns she’s in skinny jeans and a loose blue shirt.

“Wow. You look sexy.”

“I’m your wingman I’m not supposed to look sexy.”

I laugh and lock my arms with hers and leave a note for Louis when he comes back from the store. We get in our car and drive the short distance to the club.

I head straight to the bar once we enter. I need a distraction. I’m not one to cry over breakups. Although the only serious one was Dylan but I had a few short ones even though Harry’s hurt worse than Dylan’s. But I do tend to drown my sorrows in a bottle of Jack.

The bartender hands me a shot. “I’m going to need a lot more of that.”

He chuckles and gives me a bigger glass filling it with Jack.

“Boy troubles?” He says with an Italian accent. I’m just glad many people here speak English.

“You have no idea.” I say bitterly downing my third glass. I’m about to ask for another when I feel a hand grab my waist. I look up to see a tall curly headed man staring down at me with green eyes.

“Hello love.” The man smirks.

“Hi.” I stutter.

“Care to dance?”

I nod slowly. Even though this man resembles Harry, he is nothing like him. This man has light brown curls and dark green eyes and has a weird aurora about him but like I said, I need a distraction.

I look over to El asking for approval and she shakes her head no. I frown and turn to the man. “Umm.. One second..?”

“Drew.” He smiles.

“Drew.” I turn to Eleanor and she pulls me back to the bar.

“No, absolutely not.”

“Why not? He’s cute.”

“He’s dangerous.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do.” She says firmly.

I huff and turn around about to tell the guy no until I spark a plan, Eleanor isn’t the boss of me. Yes, we’re best friends and we look to each other for advice and I probably would have obeyed and said no had it not been for the whiskey. I turn back getting another drink, chugging it and walking towards the guy pulling him by the arm to the dance floor. Once we reach the middle I turn around and start swaying my hips against his. He happily grabs my hips and forces them against his own for more contact. After a couple of songs I turn around so my bum is grinding against his crotch and I raise my arm and place it against his neck. I hear him growl in my ear and his lips attack my neck. Something about this feels wrong but I don’t care. Distraction. I wince at the pain from my neck as he bites down on the already sore spot. He pulls away not even kissing the spot lightly like most guys would.

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