18. Who Is This?

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Holmes Chapel isn't too bad. It's quite lovely and I love the small town vibe from it. We went to the small corner store to pick up some groceries for their new home. It could be my new home as well if I decided to stay.

We're walking down the fruit isle when I hear a woman gasp.

"Harry?" She asks and he tenses beside me not turning around. I decide to turn and look at the woman taking her appearance in. She looks oddly familiar but I can't place it being as I've only been here for 5 days.

"Baby." The woman says softly coming around to face us and I'm confused until it dawns on me why she's so familiar. This must be Harry's mum. The resemblance is almost scary.

"Mum." Harry lets out a soft whisper.

"It is you!" His mum comes forward hugging him tightly. Harry has told me before that he never went back home after dropping out as a teenager. I never understood why but this is the first time his mum is seeing him.

"It's been so long." His mum cries and pulls away from her son grabbing his cheeks admiring his face. "You've grown up so much."

"Mum." Harry grumbles but smiling eyes filled with pain.

"You could've called." She becomes angry and she has every right to be.

"I couldn't." Harry sighs.

"A simple 'hello I'm fine' would have sufficed!" She hits him on the chest.

"I'm sorry." He whispers but I can tell he's breaking from seeing his mother fall apart in front of him. I want to reach across to comfort him but I also don't want to ruin this moment.

"Who is this?" She sweetly turns to me giving me a hug.

"This is my girlfriend, Scarlett." Harry smiles putting his hand on my lower back.

"Nice to meet you." I smile once she pulls out of the hug.

"You two should come over and catch up!" She smiles happily at the both of us and I turn to Harry happy with the idea.

"I don't think its a good idea, Mum. Maybe another time. We have a lot to do today."

"Just for some tea?" She suggests.

"We have to go visit the university." Harry grumbles.

"You're going to UNI?" She gasps.

"No, Scarlett is." He says annoyed.

"Oh what for?" She seems interested

"Nursing. I'm currently going to Manchester but I'm thinking about transferring here."

"Why? Manchester is the top university in the world for nursing! Only 6 out of 75 students even get accepted into the program. Oh.. Did you not.. get accepted?" She says excitedly then turning into embarrassment thinking I didn't get accepted.

"No!" I let out a chuckle. "I got accepted."

"Not to be rude but why are you even thinking of transferring? That's such a high honor." She beams at me. I wish my parents were this happy about me getting accepted but to them it was required. Had I not been accepted I would have been a failure.


"We really need to go." Harry butts in pushing us away from his mother.

"It was lovely running into you, Mumma. We'll have to catch up but we're on a time limit today."

"Okay my baby. I will see you soon. Pleasure to meet you Scarlett." She smiles to me.

"Likewise." I send her a nod before I'm being pushed into the next aisle.

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