Chapter 9

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I woke up next to him.

In bed. Is the guy serious? Has he not gotten the hint I'm not ready to fuck? I just want an intimate relationship in which the farthest we'd go is kissing. I just wish he'd respect that.

"The fuck?" I whispered, getting up, and standing on the tile.

I looked down at myself.

Only a t-shirt. I hated being taken advantage of and I hoped that by now Darius of all people would've known that.

"Darius?" I shouted, shaking him.

"Wha-" He woke up to see a very angry me.

"Hi, Chardonnay." He smirked, leaning back.

"What the hell did you do to me last night?" I asked sternly.

"Don't worry. You came on to me," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"I swear to God I'm going to call the police on your ass." I mumbled.

"Please, who gon' protect you then? We all know your daddy going to kill your ass." He stated.

"Once again, Darius. Just shut the fuck up." I said through gritted teeth as I left the room.

I started pacing.

This nigga basically raped me again while I was sleep.

Shit, he must've drugged me, I would never come onto him nor would I have sex with him while sleeping or even awake.

I packed my hair into a ponytail, changed into actual clothes, slipped into my shoes, then slowly entered the elevator.



"Man, I'm tired of this," I said with a hoarse voice. "It's too much. Just kill me already," I mumbled. I couldn't bare having no control of my body.

"You'll live," my new nurse, Tracy said, giving me a shot in the arm.

"Sure about that?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Stop being silly, boy." She said as she bandaged me up.

"You're a strong one," she grinned as I rolled my eyes.

"Where's he?" I heard Chardonnay's voice.

"Hey Char," I said weakly. She'd be devestated if I was gone. She's the only reason I'm still fighting. I'll do anything for my blood.

She quickly came to my side.

"Hey, Miles." She smiled as she wiped curly strands from her face.

"You look tired," I said, looking her over.

"Oh, you don't even know. Anyways, I just wanted to check on your foolin' butt, but I'm heading to nana's after this." She explained.

"Aight. Catch you later, Char." She kissed me on my forehead as she waved goodbye.



This nigga don't need to see this DNA test.

Job ain't got no money. He won't even be able to fucking pay for ths dumbass baby's binky.

"Hey, Darius." I took the cigarette out my mouth as I blew out.

"Hi." He said flatly.

"I need to talk." I said, crossing my arms.

"Come in," he pursed his lips as he opened the door wide.

"You going to have to pay child support, you know." I threw the blunt into the trash.

"I ain't dumb, Kiara." He said.

"You know, what the hell is your problem?" I asked, flipping my hands up.

"Just calm the hell down, Kiara. Whatever you need for the thing in your stomach, I'll give. Just get off my back. But keep on smoking. that baby needs to die so I don't got nothing else on my plate." He said as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"Oh really? What's on your plate, then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Stop acting like you my damn girlfriend. Shit, you just a girl I used to fuck around with."

I rolled my eyes.

"Used to? Come on, D-"

He held out his hand.

"I'm not looking forward to being a fucking father." He said angrily.

I gave him a few papers, except the one with Job's name on it.

"Call me when you ready," I said, parting me lips as I left.


"Hey, y'all." I smiled as I hugged my grandparents.

"Hey, Char." My grandmother took some plates from out the cabinet, and started placing pancakes on them.

"Hi." My grandfather smacked his lips.

"So what are you doing here, baby?" Nana swept the gray hairs from her face, and tucked them behind her ear.

"My mother's not dead," I said quietly, looking down.

"What? How could you lie about someone's death?' Papa looked angry and worried at the same time, I could feel him unstrapping his belt, even though I couldn't see him.

"I searched her up. It turns out she's had a name change. She lives in Washington and I'm planning to go see her soon." I walked up to both of them, all concentrating on me.

 My grandmother started yelling in Spanish. 

"I'll stop by later, I want to rest before I check on Miles again today," I murmured as I left the house. I waited for nana to call me back. So unfortunately I left.

Without no breakfast.


I'll update asap. The chapter is kind of a filler so yeah. Just to get all the information needed at the moment. Next chapter will definitely be longer so I'll get that done. over the weekend or tomorrow, because I don't have summer school to attend.

Love, Bri

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