Chapter 1

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My brother and I just moved to Chicago about a month ago and we started to settle into our new house. The last few weeks have been spent unpacking boxes and setting up rooms with pictures, and all that fun stuff. During this time period, all of our paperwork for school was being transferred to our new one. It took so long because of technical difficulties and misunderstandings between the two schools.

Our tax dollars at work everyone... 

But today is our first day going to school and quite frankly, I'd rather stay in bed and do nothing for the next.... about 365 days. But no, education is important, and to get a good job you have to do the work, and a happy life is ultimately achieved through a good education. Bullshit.

With my brother driving me to school, I at least get a few extra minutes of rest. My parents gave him all of thought-to-be-necessary paperwork that would get us into the school, so really, my whole presence at this school is riding on whether or not my brother can keep all of my stuff in order. Great. Guess this will be fun.

The school is about ten minutes away by car so if I ever get pissed at Caleb, I won't have to walk the length of a 5K to get home. We pull into a guest parking space at the front of the school and get out of the car.

The campus looks huge with six distinctly different buildings, three of which are somewhat tucked behind two others. Maybe placed in the shape of a pentagon. And one that is taller than the rest and has things hanging out of the windows and people are using some of those things to bungee jump out of the building and it looks like so much fun. But honestly, I don't think I'd be able to withstand jumping out of a building, heights are not one of my favorite things.

We get out of the car and make our way to the door that has FRONT OFFICE posted above it in faded colors. Once we enter the new environment of the school, my face is hit with a smell. A disgusting one if I might add. This aroma is like a mix of moldy cheese, rotten eggs, spoiled milk, and... and.... a strong dose of a fart that came from someone with ass cancer. It is bad.

Trying not to show the remorse on my face, I plaster a smile on and greet the lady at the front desk.

"Good morning," I say with a little angelic tone in my voice to give myself a more optimistic look.

"Good morning. And what can I do for the two of you?" she asks with a happy tone in her voice, even though it smells like ass cancer up in here.

"We recently transferred here and today is our first day," Caleb states with no emotion what so ever. Nothing. Nada. Not a single bit of character went into that sentence. At least this lady and I are trying to be positive, why does he have to be all robotic?

"Oh yes. You two are the Prior siblings, correct?"

"Yes ma'am" I answer.

"Okay. So the principal told me earlier that the two of you will be arriving today, and a few minutes ago she said that your parents called to ask if the whole paperwork stuff could be done at the end of the school day instead. So they agreed and you don't need all of that with you now. Just by the end of the school day."

They made me worry about all of this crap for no reason...   I could feel that being said within Caleb's mind. I looked up at him for confirmation, and you couldn't tell by his facial expressions but as his sister, he was pissed.

"Okay, so do we get our schedules here?" he asks trying to cool himself down.

"Yes, they are right over here, let me get them for you," she responds.

She walks over to the other side of the main office and grabs two papers that were laying by themselves with a sticky note on top of one of them. She peels off the sticky note, throws it away and looks at the top of the papers.

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