Chapter 3

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Four and I finished up the tour of the compound about five minutes ago and lunch will be starting in few. We head to the student union area and he leaves me to go to one of the little restaurants, getting some working hours. We saw Max during our tour and he told me to eat some food and then go up to the roof. So I go to one of the places and look at what there is to eat. Wandering around from one to another, trying to choose. Eventually I pick one that has a girl as the cashier. She seems nice and I'm pretty sure that she is the person I first had followed up here.

"Hello," I say as I walk up to her hesitantly.

"Hello. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around," she says slightly tilting her head.

"Yeah, today is my first day," I admit

"Well, welcome. Do you have an account yet?" she asks me

"Um.... I don't know," I answer.

"Well what is your name, I can check" she says reaching over the counter to get a little pad that was laying out in the open. It has a little swipe... thing that is usually used for credit cards. She tapped a few times on the screen and then looked up at me.

"Beat-...." Damn it. If I'm going to make it here, I need to drop my previous name.

"Hmm? What was that again?" she asks for clarification.

"Tris. My name is Tris Prior,"

She taps the screen a few times and says "Nope. I'm guessing you haven't gone through the first step of initiation have you?"

"What?" I ask.

"Initiation? You don't know what that is? Wait. Are you that girl that made it up the wall this morning??" She asks with excitement building up inside of her.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, just so you know, in the time that I have been here, no initiates have been able to get up the wall by themselves."

"Cool. Yeah. I guess I'm supposed to start initiation after I eat. Max told me to get something in my stomach before I go up to the roof so..."

" Oh really!? Well then I've got you covered. I'll pay for your meal and maybe, if you're up for it, I can take you shopping after school because those clothes won't get you anywhere here." She says.

"Yeah sounds cool." I order my food and she makes it. While she prepares it, she asks me some more things about myself. I found out that we are in the same grade, and we have an addiction to the same TV show and a few more things.

"And here's your food," she says handing me my food.

"Thank you," I say in response. She proceeded to take a napkin and scribble something down on it and hand it to me. I smile and turn around to find a place to sit and eat. Finding a nice, secluded area in the corner, I sit down and begin eating.

I look at the napkin and it says





The entire time she didn't ask one question. Not a single one. Usually the initiates say something, rather it be smart mouth comments from the Candor selected group or just some statistic that I will never need from an Erudite selected. I absolutely hate the first few weeks of school. All of the students from other factions tryout for Dauntless during this time because they weren't selected to be in it and the majority of them end up failing. 

I have been a SFL (Student Faction Leader) since my first day here, and I can't take it. I am always picked as the one to give the initiates, that aren't Dauntless selected, the tour. Lucky Lauren gets the Dauntless selected and she doesn't have to do shit on the whole this is what you do, this is expectations. The Dauntless-selected usually understand all of that. My job is to pretty much destroy every hope they have in becoming Dauntless. Squeezing out those who really want to become one and have the bravery to.

But this girl, she isn't like the rest of them. The other girls that try to get through initiation by flirting with some of the leaders, including me, but none of them really appeal to me. They all just seem like whores walking around here begging for another chance at proving themselves. But this girl doesn't look very physically fit or can withstand the danger that comes along with being a Dauntless.

Not many people, inside or outside of the school, know that we actually patrol the exterior wall sometimes, depending on how the initiates are doing in their training. So this girl will probably not make it, however she did make it up the wall. I can't recall the last time a factionless had made it up the wall without any knowledge on how it works.

I walk to my new station for lunch. I have to keep changing because of this one freshman that keeps on following me. It's annoying and quite frankly creepy. I am a senior having a freshman crush on me. That is disgusting.

The entire time I watch the girl, Tris I think her name is, because Max told me to keep an eye on her. For reasons I don't know yet, and as of right now, I don't really care.

I take a few people's orders before she gets up and throws away her stuff. I get one of my friends, Zeke, to cover for me while I go and follow her. He has gotten used to me having to leave at random times.

I go into the back and take off my apron, rip off my hair net and throw it away. I leave the back way through a hole in a wall and walk down a few dark tunnels to get to an old freight elevator that has been abandoned for a while. However, it still works and it doesn't make that much sound so I use it to get to the roof fast.

I pull up the grated door, step in and close behind me. Hitting the button that used to be labeled R, it starts to move towards the top of the Pit.

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