Chapter 2

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Standing in the middle of the courtyard I look at each building. Each sculpted for it's specific faction, except one building with all of the colors and signs on its exterior walls. That one lies furthest from the five faction buildings. Now that I can see it from within, the Dauntless building is at the heart of the campus, with the pavement from the exists of the other factions angled down towards the base of the dauntless structure. The building is slightly raised off of the ground with layers of chicken wire type stuff surrounding that lift along the entire building.

The Amity building is in the shape of a tree, very organic looking. With different classes branching out from the center on different levels. Some of the little classrooms have , what looks like, a plastic dome covering it. In those, they probably grow some type of plant or learn about growing. But only a few have what looks like a little patch of dirt, others are just domes, nothing specific in them. Must be part of the student lounges thing.

The Candor building is half white and half black. Nothing really special to it. It just looks like any other building you might find in a big city except for the fact that there's supposed to be a huge court room of sorts in there for initiation of new students. Apparently, no teachers outside of the faction know about it. At least that's what I overheard from a couple of students that looked like business people in their little suits, they were talking about an initiation that was going to take place during lunch today. Presumably, just in their faction. I highly doubt that that is Caleb.

Abnegation's building is pretty much a huge block. A huge grey block. No fancy doors, no fancy trims, nothing fancy. It is quite reserved. I think that Caleb is there. Helping out some people with some things around the building, or maybe other's devoting some of their time to help him through the new campus and their own rules.

The Erudite's building is practically all glass for the exterior walls. If you get close enough to it, you can hear the air conditioner hard at work trying to keep all of the computers in the building from overheating. Honestly, I can see these people staying after school till about dusk and the building just looks like a little night light in a dark room, but full of people.

Dauntless looks like a death wish. All black and life threatening. Now that I stand right below it, I can see that the very top is slightly drafted outward, for a reason I don't know. Again, if you get close enough, you can hear something below the building. I believe that there is a gym or some kind of exercise track. I can't tell but I will find out sooner or later.

I had tried earlier to open the door but I honestly don't know how to get in. It looks like a regular door, pull the handle, the door opens, and you walk through it. Nope, not this one. So I went to a nearby tree. There are trees scattered all over the courtyard, probably for shade and protection when it rains instead of worrying about the metal coverings that usual schools have.

I was scoping out some people who enter the building and the ones in all black don't use that entrance, they go around to the back. I followed a girl that looked about my body size and was going into Dauntless. She went around the back and stood there for a second looking up to the sky and then down at a watch they were wearing, and back up to the sky. I check the time on my own watch in case it is important to how to get in. Once the time hit 8:30, she turned to the building and started climbing. At first I couldn't see how see was doing it but when a few more people went up, I realized that every 5 minutes, thin rods would pop out of the building and you only had 3 minutes to climb up them before they retracted.

Finally gathering the courage to take on the first test of this school, I approach the side just as the rods popped out. I grasp the rod and start climbing. I climb faster and faster so I don't run out of time and fall to my death. I reach the very top of the building and climb onto it. I am greeted with a bunch of dark clothed students just staring at me. I looked out of place because of my outfit, which was lacking in complete black. I am wearing dark blue jeans and a maroon ex-boyfriend shirt, with some classical black Converse.

The ones that pay attention to me start to whisper and a few depart into a little hub looking thing in the center of the roof. I walk over to an empty area and look over what I had just climbed. The view is amazing from here. The sun rests behind a few clouds laying down and getting ready for the day. It seems like the sun is hiding behind some of the clouds because it knows that once it sees us, us human beings, that it will have to start the day and keep going. The clouds, however, were quite thick due to the fact that they were dark and warning a storm. An occasional gust of wind would hit me and swayed my balance a little but I was able to recenter myself within seconds.

A few minutes after I had made it up to the roof, I hear booming steps getting closer to me from behind. I turn around to see three guys, one much older than the others and the two other guys look like they are in about the same grade, but above me.

"So fresh meat," one of the younger ones tease. His look is quite intimidating and it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Shut up, Eric," the other younger one says under his breath.

"Welcome to the Dauntless Compound. What is your name?" the oldest asks me.

It takes me a second to first process what he said and then think about it. Here, is not like where I came from, it is different. I am different. I want to change here and forget what happened back there. And honestly, the name Beatrice in a faction about bravery with anarchy and courage thrown in, doesn't sound that.... well I put it as I would sound like a teacher's pet Erudite suck up with that name. But I need to at least maintain part of the name.

"Did you hear him?" Eric yells at me. "Answer him."

"My name is Tris." I say loud and commandingly, so they are sure to hear me.

"Welcome Tris, to Dauntless. These are some your Student Faction Leaders, Four and Eric," the old one tells me gesturing to both guys. "And I am Max, your one and only Faction Leader."

I nod to let him know I understand.

"Four will be giving you a tour of the compound. You should be done by lunch, when you are, come back up here to receive your classes."

"Yes sir," I say with a blank face. Max, Four and I hold a blank face, showing no emotion (wow, mimicking my brother for so long actually does benefit me), however Eric was off to the side smirking. And quite frankly, I don't want to know why.

"Follow me," Four says turning around and walking towards the hub. I follow. As we approach the hub, I see a giant hole in the roof with bars leading down into it. Once we get right up to it, I look down and see that it is a twisting stair case that is half stairs, that branch off to different holes in the walls, and a smooth metal slide. Four looks over at me and gestures to both, as if asking which one I'd prefer.

I purse my lips a little, not sure what he is implying. "What about it?" I ask.

"Pick one." he says.

"Slide," I say. Moving closer to the slide side, which is on the inside of the staircase, I realize where I have gone wrong. I might throw up after this from dizziness. Great. I sit down at the top of it and look up at Four who was staring down at me now.

"Push off," he said with a tone that was saying this idiot doesn't know how to use a damn slide.

I push myself down the staircase and speed into the darkness. Let's hope that I don't hit a bump or something and hit one of the walls at 100 miles per hour.

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