chapter 1: The beginning

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The sounds of a noisy lunch break floated in through the open windows of the library. I scowled. I had come in here to get away from all the noise and relax; maybe even finish my English assignment. I picked up a book from the table and tried to bury myself in it, without any success.

Why do people have to be so noisy? I thought grumpily as a kid ran past the window screaming loudly. When the bell rings, why do people lose their heads? I just don't get it. I heaved a sigh and gave up on the book. Glancing around I wondered why the library was suddenly so full.

A group of whispering, giggling girls bunched around one table and kept throwing looks over their shoulders. I frowned and curiously followed their line of vision.

Sitting at the table behind me was the school's heart-throb, John Dermanis. He was huddled over an encyclopedia, a look of absolute concentration on his face. No wonder the girls were all bright red, his hotness was almost burning me as well.

I angrily ignored them and went back to my book, even though my mind had become preoccupied. It wasn't fair. John had everything; friends, good looks, charisma, intelligence... and an amazing voice. It made me feel resentful and jealous. I was short for my age and quite plain: curly brown hair, brown eyes... The only thing that made me stand out was the fact that I was a mute. That was the reason I felt so isolated, because I couldn't speak my mind.

I fingered the personal organizer which was my voice. I would write using the stylus pen and show the person. Sometimes I would use the speech function, but I knew it made people laugh, so I only used it in emergencies. I closed my eyes. I wished I wasn't such a loser. I longed to be popular and cool like John... Sadly, that would never happen.

And once again my thoughts became muddled - I began day-dreaming about being John's love.

We were embracing together as the sun set. Everyone was so jealous, "Damien is so lucky," they moaned. John's deep blue eyes stared into my brown ones. With his elegant hand, John brushed the hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful, Damien. They have a right to be envious." His face came closer and our lips met...

I started blushing furiously as my fantasy disappeared.

"Why the hell did I imagine that?!. I said I wanted to be John, not be his! "

But yet I couldn't ignore the way my body tingled and felt hot and stiff.

"No way. I don't like him... Even if I did, he would never even know that I existed"

I thought sadly, peering over at John. He wasn't there anymore.

"Good. No more distractions."

"Excuse me, are you finished with that book?"

I jumped and looked up; my heart skipped a beat when I saw John standing before me.

I nodded vigorously, blushing again. I picked up a book from the table and gave it to John, my hand tingling when we touched.

"Thanks... You're that mute kid, aren't you?" John asked.

I knew by his face that he didn't mean to offend me; he was genuinely curious which was rare. I nodded in reply.

"Wow... That must be... wow. What's your name?"

He waited patiently as I wrote a reply on my personal organizer.

"My name is Damien."

Showing John who read it, his lips playing with the pronunciation of his name. I was enjoying watching John's lips wrap around invisible words. It made me long to kiss them.

"Oh. Damien... What a pretty name. It suits you. See you around then, Damien." He said smiling.

I thought I would die. I just wanted to disappear. John Dermanis talked to me? I had to be dreaming! I pinched myself and winced at the sharp pain. I hated pain. Angry at myself, I gazed at the angry red mark I had left on my arm. I was so stupid sometimes.

"Great. I'll have a bruise now!"

The end-of-lunch bell rung and slowly the library emptied. John got up to leave just as I left.

"Hey, Damien! What class do you have now?"

I showed him my English folder that I was holding and he smiled at me.

"You must be a good student. You're always in the library studying."

I shook my head and pulled out my personal organizer. I appreciated the way John waited patiently for me to write out a reply. He seemed different from the other students.

"I just go there to get away from all the noise"

I couldn't write the real reason I went there - I had no friends and the library was the only place I wasn't bullied and picked on - because I didn't want to sound like a total loser in front of John.

As if John had read my mind, a look of saddened understanding crossed his face. Before I could be sure that I saw it, it had gone so I thought that I had imagined it. I stopped in front of English class 2B and gestured to the door with my head.

"You're cute, Damien. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

I was puzzled and startled. I was about to ask him what he meant but John was already hurrying down the hallway waving.

I was flabbergasted.

"Why would John Dermanis... THE John Dermanis talks to me? The loser that can't speak for himself? Why only notice me now?"

The questions whizzed around my mind. Then one question stuck. Why did he call me cute? Suddenly, I found myself day-dreaming again. John Dermanis, the most popular guy in school, the guy everyone wanted to be, called me cute! I was nearly bouncing off the walls with pure delight.

"Damien, are you coming into class?" Mrs. O Donnell, the teacher asked.

The whole class was standing behind her, whispering and giggling.

I nodded and blushed, edging into the class feeling defeated. I passed a couple of mean guys who were joking around.

"Are you gay, Damien? If you are, don't say anything!" A student said.

They snickered at me as if it was the best joke ever. I ignored them and took my seat at the back of the class.

For the second time that day, I wished I could die.


Picture of Damien here ~~>

Picture of Damien here ~~>

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