chapter 2: Honest or not?

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I was strolling down the path on my way home when someone called out to me. I stopped and turned, only to be caught in someone's arms. The path melted away and the two of us were floating over a field of roses.

"Damien, you're so gorgeous."

He stroked my hair lightly with one hand whilst the other roamed down my back, making my lower body move closer. His hand stopped on my backside and squeezed. I was so hot, my body was just longing to be touched and kissed... I closed my eyes and smiled as I heard John's heavy breathing in my ear.

"Oh God, I want your ass."

I moaned silently. Our bodies were so close that they were basically entwined...

The pole came out of nowhere and before I could react, I had walked straight into it. I fell backwards onto the concrete path, my bag spilling open and scattering my books everywhere. Embarrassedly I rubbed my forehead where I had hit my head and stole a glance around to make sure no one was around. I sighed in relief when I saw that I was, in fact, alone.
I had left school a bit later than usual today because I was behind in English and decided to stay afterschool to catch up. I now was happy with myself for being late, because if I had left on time people would've seen my accident.

"Damn it Damien! Why don't you pay attention to where you're walking? "

I scolded myself as I picked up my books and bag.

"Now I'll have a pole-shaped bruise on my face forever as a reminder... "

I started blushing as I remembered my fantasy. I shook my head.

"Why are they getting dirtier?"

I wasn't the type to have dirty fantasies, or touch myself over them, but that last one... Definitely M-rated, I sighed in my mind, standing up and stuffing my books into my bag.

"Here, you missed one."

I flinched. I knew that voice.

Sure enough, John stood before me holding out one of my books. I took it, blushing brightly again, smiling in gratitude. He hoped John hadn't seen me walking into the pole. Maybe he saw me on the ground and thought that I had dropped my bag? I thought hopefully.

"You need to watch where you're going." John said smiling.

I blushed a darker shade of pink. Of course, he had seen it.

"Surely you don't want to hurt that pretty head of yours?"

This comment made me so embarrassed, I thought I would melt. Pulling out my personal organizer, I wrote quickly;

"It was an accident. Why did you say that? Why did you call me... cute?"

"Are you offended? Anyway, I was looking for you."

I was puzzled again. I gave John a questioning gaze which made him smile.

"I want you to come over to my house for study. I live down Pine Terrace. Hope to see you soon!"

I was dumbstruck, a mixture of feelings competing against each other in my head. On one hand I was frustrated and annoyed at John. He'd say something puzzling and then quickly go off before I could ask him what he meant by it. But on the other hand I felt ecstatic and nervous. Somehow, for some reason, John called me cute and pretty! Did that mean that there was a slight chance that he might have feelings for me? But why didn't he just say so? If I had a voice I would have growled. Instead I just gritted my teeth.

Allowing the annoyance take control so I didn't have to feel nervous, I continued on my way to my house. The plan was to go home, calm down, get dressed and then go over to John's house. I couldn't turn down an invitation to John Dermanis' house. Surely that was illegal?

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