1- Meeting Nicole

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Hey guys, it's kinda my first book. It may suck, and I'm giving prior warning . Any suggestions would be appreciated and take into consideration. Hope you like it, so here it goes...

Meet me, Thea Queen. My younger brother Oliver is popular but me ? Nah... Not so much.
So the thing is I have this crazy shit ass best friend Olivia Anderson, who's the best in short , but can be a pest at times. We were both actually diaper buddies.
So now coming to Nicole
Me and Nicole weren't childhood friends , but me and Olivia were . Nicole was a new student in starling high school , and was apparently in almost all the classes me and Olivia had together which included chemistry,English and Maths.

Olivia was the one who introduced Nicole to me. Nicole was very calm , kind and pretty with dirty blonde curls and a fair skin . She started sitting for lunch with Olivia and me .

It was the first day of the 9th grade and we were all heading towards the canteen along with the crowd.

We were all sitting for lunch in the canteen surrounded by the table of some nerds , queen bee and her followers , jocks, etc.
"So Nicole, do you have a boyfriend ?" Olivia asked , and at that she flushed .

"Yes , I do. His name is Roy Harper and he lives in Central city."she stated. Nicole was also from Central city .

"Oh that's nice , so how did you two meet? "This time I was the one who asked her.

" Actually he is one grade ahead of us and we met at a common friends party. He was the popular jock over there, we had a drinking face off and I won , we started hanging out from then and one day he asked me to be his girlfriend and I wasn't stupid enough to reject the jock's proposal , so I obviously said yes and here we are , but now I guess things might change because long distance relationship usually doesn't  work out. But we are trying "She finished with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Woah, I bet you guys would look really cute together " Olivia voiced out .

"yup, definitely " I agreed  "so when are you introducing us to him ?" I questioned  .

"oh well maybe today after school, I'll put you guys on con call"

"yeah sure , that would be amazing " Olivia claimed excitedly . Even I nodded my head in agreement .

Just then the bell rang signalizing the end of the lunch break.... after saying our goodbyes we headed of to our respective classes .


After I reached home , I went to the kitchen greeted my mother and headed towards my room to finish the book I was reading - Dear John. I swear that book literally gives me the goosebumps . After reading a few pages , my phone started vibrating in my pocket , it was Olivia "hey Thea . you free?"

"yup, I am, what happen ?"

"well I thought we could have a girls night out today and even Nicole can join us , what do you say?"

" that would be amazing Olivia , so tonight my place , and you better bring a tub of choco-chip ice cream for me on your way." I grinned.

"Yes yes, I will , see you later alligator "

" okie dokie , bubye " saying that i kept my phone down and continued reading my book.

When Olivia and Nicole arrived , we watched The notebook while hogging on the ice-cream.After we finished the movie and also balling our eyes out , we decided to prank call some people . Nicole suggested that we prank call her boyfriend Roy. After dialling the number on my phone , we waited for someone to pick up .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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