Chapter 1

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Marinette took a couple of deep breaths.

"I can do it. I'm going to do it!" she phyiced herself up.

"That's the spirit girl!" Alya encouraged.

Today Marinette was finally going to confess her love to Adrien! She had been practicing almost all night with Tikki, and she even re-wrote the poem she gave to him on Valentine's Day, but this time, she actually double checked that she signed it.

Alya and Marinette waited as more kids began to leave the school. A few minutes more, and they saw Adrien and Nino walking out of the doors.

"Now's your chance, go and get 'Em" Alya said. When Marinette hesitated to go she pushed out into the open, and in front of Adrien.

At first she just stood there, like the dork she was, until she finally squeaked out a 'hi'.

"Hey, Marinette" Adrien greeted back, giving her a confused look.

Marinette tried to speak more words, but they were all stuck in her throat.

Suddenly, Alya came out from the hiding spot and approached the three.

"Hey guys" She said casually.

"Hey Alya, what's up?" Nino greeted back.

"Not a lot, I just need to talk to alone, in private?" She asked.

"Uh sure, whatever" He said, slightly confused. They walked away from the other two, leaving them alone, which was Alya's plan.

"Hm, I wonder what they wanted?" Adrien asked.

"Uh yeah, ha ha who knows" Marinette stumbled scratching the back of her head, trying to play cool.

There was a moment of silence between the two and Marinette decided it was now or never.

"So- uh, Adrien, I-I wanted-...-well I was going to ask-...-well I did-.." Oh no, it's was happening, she was stuttering like and idiot in front of him. Again.

She closed her mouth, to stop herself from talking, causing Adrien to raise his eyebrow in confusion.

She took another deep breath and held her head high. Long nights of practice, was about to pay off.

"Adrien, I've been wanting to tell you something, for quiet some time now, and that thing is...Je t'amie, Adrien" She said, holding out the card with the poem in it.

She did it. She said those three (or 2) words that she thought she never would.

Adrien stared at her, wide-eyed.

Marinette had a crush on him!? Is that why she always acted weird around him!?

Adrien was completely flattered, but he already had his heart set on Ladybug.
Eventually he would figure out who ladybug is, and then, he would reveal he was Adrien and hope they would accept each other without their masks. But he respected his lady's wishes, and and chose not to press too hard on the subject.

Adrien was thrown off guard, as his thoughts raced through his head.

"Look Marinette, I'm flattered, I really am, and your a beautiful, smart, funny girl-" Marinette began to blush and smile at his words, while her heart was about to beat out her chest, "-but-" then the feeling stopped. "I'm sorry, I-I have someone else on my mind" he said, his eyes full of regret and sorrow. He knew he was hurting her and knew it was stupid to love someone you don't even really know. But it was the truth.

Marinette slowly lowered the card, as tears threatened to spill over her eyes, but she would never allow it. Not now.

"Oh. Oh ok, yeah of course you do, I-I shouldn't have-" she was cut off by a car horn, she turned to notice Adriens' limo waiting for him.

He put a hand on her shoulder as he walked past her.

"I really am, sorry" he said softly, enough for only them to hear.

When he was in the limo, it drove away, leaving behind Marinette, crushed heartbroken, depressed, no words could describe how upset she was. She crumpled up the letter in her hand and started to run. She thought she heard Alya call out for her, but she didn't care if she did. She just kept running.

She ran and ran until she had her trapdoor locked and she was curled up in a ball against the wall.

Tikki flew out from Marinette's bag, which she had thrown - probably hurting the little kwami, but she didn't seem to care about that either - and hovered in front of Marinette.

"Marinette?" The little creature squeaked. Tikki knew how to help Marinette with a lot of things, but she had no idea what to say to her now.

So she just let her cry, cry and cry.
"How could I possibly think that Adrien would love me!? Of course he likes another girl and I bet she doesn't act like a complete idiot in front of him!!!" She vented to the Kwami

"I bet this other girl hasn't saved Paris countless times" Tikki said, trying to be positive.

Marinette just continued to cry in her own arms.

Her eyes became a faucet that wouldn't turn off, no matter how hard you tried.

She continued to cry, until she felt a sudden darkness spread through her, and depression, turned to vengeance.

"Cœur Sombre, I am Hawkmoth, I can grant you the wish to take vengeance upon the boy who shattered your heart, but on the one condition that you get me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous" Hawkmoth said as a voice in her head.

No longer would Marinette have to be the clumsy girl that ruined everything. No longer would she have to cry over Adrien Agreste. She could finally be something more than she ever could be.

"I'll make sure he has suffered as much as I have, I accept your offer, Hawkmoth" she said standing up.

When she was fully standing, black aura covered her from top to toe.

Possibly because it landed on her miraculous, she was now in her ladybug outfit, except it was a dark purple with black spots.

She went up to her balcony and used her yo-yo to jump off the building onto the next, leaving her kwami and her screams of reasoning behind.

Both Marinette and Ladybug had been akumatized, and Tikki was left alone, to figure out how to fix it all, on her own.

So guys I hoped you like the first chapter please vote and comment.

Just to be clear: Cœur Sombre means "dark heart" in French, so if I change that's why

Like it said in the description, this story is both inspired by and based off of an edit, so I can't take full credit for all of this bit

Thanks guys, remember to vote and comment

-Sam 😻🐞💚❤️

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