Chapter 16

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Chat landed on the floor of the Eiffel towers top floor and put his staff back behind his back, finally he would get some answers. He looked over to the other side of the platform and saw Ladybug standing with her back to him as she looked out to the glowing streets of Paris. He sneaked over to her, he knew she probably wasn't aware of his presence and he could have a little fun with that.

But when he got closer he realised she was crying.

"Ladybug, whats wrong-?" He put his hand on her shoulder but she automaticlly smacked it away. "Ladybug?" He asked again, concerned. "What happened?"

"You!" She yelled, as if that explianed everything, still not facing him.

"Me!? What did I do!" He asked offended but yet still concerned.

"You became a monster!!" With that her voice sounded like there was more than one. She turned around and Chat jumped back. Her eyes were as dark as blood and her face was covered in scratched, bruises and blood smeared across her face.

He stared at her with horror and disbelief at her condition and then her words sunk. He walked over to her and lightly placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Ladybug, that wasn't me, i didn't have contr-" he tried to explain softly but she screamed and shoved him away and wrapped her arms around her shoulders

"Stop it, Chat!!" She screamed at him. He was about to ask what she was talking about until he saw the red in her suit get darker. It was her blood. It spread to her entire body, so all of her suit was covered in her blood. "Why do you do this to me!" She tried to yell again but her crying didn't make it easy for her.

"Ladybug, no, I would never hurt you-"

"But you did Chat! You hurt me and you're still hurting me! You are a monster!"

"No I'm not!" He tried to tell both of them "Ladybug, you have to understand, i wouldn't do anything to even-"

"Keep away from me, Chat!"

"I can help-"

"Haven't you already done enough!! Look at what you and your bad luck has done to me!!" Suddenly her eyes popped open and her throat was holding back screams of terror. Before Chat could do anything to react she fell to the ground, lifeless. He was automatically on his knees next to her, but his whole body froze when when he saw that her back had been, literally, ripped into, the blood that poured from her soon turned into a ankle high sea of red. His body began to unconsciously shake with fear.

Blood started to drip from above him and, just when he thought he couldn't be anymore terrified, he saw him.

It was himself, except he wore white and his eyes were yellow, and in his hand was her heart, he was squeezing it like a stress ball as more blood poured from it and turned his glove white to red. He shook his head slowly, disgusted at the image infront of him.

"Why!?" He asked through clenched teeth as hot tears roll down his face.

"Because like she said; I'm a monster" he hissed.

"And who are you?" Chat asked, his blood boling with vengance.

"Isn't it obvious?" Chat then looked down at himself and was startled by his apperance. He was in the white suit now, and it was stained with smudges of her blood.

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