New Beginings?

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My Diary

So we are just moving back here to Atlanta, and I have a wonderful job writing music, home, and boyfriend. I'm so happy I kept in touch with my best friend and other close ones. Of course my nosy ass cousin Kayla keeps herself in my business....... But I guess its ok? It's nice to talk to someone other than my diary!

Lashontae: So can you get me lunch I just can't seem to get out the house today.

Kayla: Sure, what would you like to eat?

Lashontae: Anything

*30 mins later*

Kayla: So I got yo ass some chicken

Lashontae: Why thank you

Kayla: (as they sit to eat) So what made yall move here if Darrell got traded to the Lakers Tae?

Lashontae: We didn't want to be in L.A., but we both got family and friends here so we just decided to move here and just take flights to L.A. when needed.

Kayla: But the season is about to start, where will he stay?

Lashontae: We bought a condo there

Kayla: I just thought you stopped being scared

Lashontae: Scared of what???

Kayla: Well I remember, before you and Darrell left you were still upset about you and Carlysia. And I knew you only decided to go with Darrell to Toronto University because you were scared and hurt.

Lashontae: I was hurt, I mean I was with Carlysia for 4 years and out of nowhere she was like she cheated on me. It hurt me to my core, but then met Darrell and we were together. I had already applied to T.U, He got in for basketball and we just decided to stay together and go.

Kayla: I also recall you getting excepted to Spellman and you always wanted to go there. Did you not go because you knew Carlysia was still going?

Lashontae: I didn't talk to Carlysia after we broke up, I mean she tried calling but I never answered

Kayla: Ok so why didn't you go?

Lashontae: I told you

Kayla: Ok but, you were acting funny before you left even Darrell saw that. That night we gave yall that going away party you cried like a baby when we surprised you, when you came through the door

Lashontae: I was happy and felt overwhelmed with love

Kayla: They didn't look like tears of joys but ok

Lashontae: Well I was also leaving yall so I was a lil sad

Kayla: Oh ok but as long as you were ok

Lashontae: Yeah, girl of course.

Kayla: Well let me go get my son from my mama house, I'll call you

Lashontae: Ok

Later when Darrell comes home

Darrel: Hey baby, you know today I heard "Differences" by Ginuwine on the radio? And all I could do is smile and think of you

Lashontae: Awww that's cute babe how was practice?

Darrel: Good but baby I just wish LeBron would give up with those head bands and just come clean and tell us that he going bald.

Lashontae: (laughing her ass off) Go take a shower so we can get ready to leave

Darrel: (chuckles) alright

Darrel gives Tae a kiss that reassures her that she is done looking for love, and she is indeed over Carlysia. As soon as Darrel gets in the shower, Lashontae finds a new club they can go to for the night. But also arranges for the maid to set the bedroom up nice for them for when they come back home.

Darrel: So what's with this place you got me driving to?

Lashontae: I don't know honey they just said it was nice

Darrel: Ok, it better be fun

Lashontae: Oh it will

So they hit the club and partied with some friends. Soon Lashontae ran into some old friends, not to mention her longtime best friend Zan.

Zan: So we come back home and go to clubs without calling their best friend now? I see how much I'm loved

Lashontae: Oh my goodness Zan! I was going to call you in the morning. I'm here actually with my baby

Zan: Wow, I haven't heard you say anything like that since.......

Lashontae: What

Zan: Nothing girl, this is a good ass drink


Hhhmmmm, Could Zan have been referring to Carlysia? What does it matter?

Lashontae: Come to the bar with me

Lashontae: Do you have Alize here

Bartender: No

Mystery Voice: Girl you aint in the hood no more

Lashontae: Excuse me?

Zan: Awe Hell!!

Mystery Voice: Chill shawty, it's me Dee

Lashontae: Dee? (trying to remember, then it hits her!)

Dee: Yea, Carlysia cousin! How you been? (gives a hug)

Lashontae: Oh yeah, I'm good and you?

Dee: Fine, I just got Carlysia from the airport, wanna talk to her (pointing to the smoker's corner)

Lashontae: No I don't think that's a good idea.

Dee: Why not when I first got her first thing she asked about where you

Lashontae: Why?

Dee: I don't know

Lashontae see Carlysia in the corner. They make eye contact, Carlysia quickly got up fixed her tight little red dress and passed the blunt as she tried to make her way over to them.

Lashontae: Excuse me; I have to go to the restroom.

Zan: Need me to come

Dee: To piss?

Zan& Lashontae: No fool! (laughing)

Lashontae: I'm good

In the bathroom Lashontae is talking to herself trying to figure things out: "Why is everything coming down to Carlysia?", "Nobody said anything about her till now?", "I been here for 4 months and now all this shit? Maybe the past is coming back to bite me in the ass? Lashontae was just going to forget about everything and leave....but truth was she couldn't bring herself to walk out the bathroom because she was scared, scared to see, hear, or even come close to expected.

Carlysia: So you finally came back (hugging her from behind)

Lashontae: Let go of me Carlysia

Carlysia: (letting go) Well damn I miss you too; I can't even get a welcome back huge?

Lashontae: No, I aint say I miss you

Carlysia: Why you acting so cold to me?

Lashontae: Really?

Carlysia: Just give me one more chance

Lashontae: I tried that night, how the hell you gone have the same bitch you cheated on me with in the room with you? You told me to come to the hotel to see you to give you one more chance? And that's what I see?

Carlysia: I didn't tell her to come! I don't even know how she knew I was there. Plus you were still with your boyfriend.....

Lashontae: Oh shut the fuck up with that shit! You knew I didn't want to be serious with him you knew I loved you. That's why before I left I agreed to meet with you. But that happened so I moved on and decided to love him.

Carlysia: If you still loved me why not answer your phone whenever I called to make things up to you. Oh you love him? So why still spend nights with me and sleep with me, if you were with him and loved him? The night of that going away party, why were you late?

Lashontae: (tears in her eyes) I was with you in that hotel, were you broke my heart again! I didn't want to ever see you again but when I got with him I thought we could be friends, since you were my best friend..... But things went left and I fucked up.... I fell for you all over again but that night reassured me it was a mistake

Carlysia: Yeah, I was your best friend but I was also your lover and girlfriend! I never meant to hurt you when we were together; it was a mistake with her. I poured my heart out to you in those voicemails apologizing to you, I only loved you. We understood each other, we encouraged each other with our music and everything else and I thought it was really over when I found out you were leaving with him.

Lashontae: I didn't tell you he was going to Toronto too because I knew how you would react, but to be honest none of this matters now I'm with him

Carlysia: (Pulling her close looking in to her eyes) I love you

Lashontae: I loved you

Lashontae walks back to the table

Darrell: Hey babe (kisses her) Were you been

Lashontae: Oh with Zan

Darrell: Ok ready to go?

Lashontae: Yes

Without saying anything to anyone they left. Back at home Darrell see's what Lashontae has set up and picks her up and takes her to the bedroom. Lashontae mind was racing forgetting the surprise she had, mind still on Carlysia and the club. But she soon forgot about that, as so she though..... Darrell start pulling her clothes off and starts to kiss her neck

Lashontae: Baby

Darrell: Yes?

Lashontae: What if I broke a monogamist agreement? What if I lied but didn't mean it?

Darrell: Hypothetically?

Lashontae: Of course

Darrell: (still kissing her making his way down) depends on how long ago

Lashontae: (moans) Uh a long time ago

Darrell: I wouldn't even want to know, because you're the perfect woman I never would have thought of. You're the sweetest dream I could ever dream, I would want something from your past come and disturbed that and wake me because I don't ever want to finish this dream

Lashontae: Baby I love you, just know that

Darrell: I'll always keep you safe in my arms, I will guarantee I will never break your heart; I will always put you first

Lashontae: Why do you think so highly of me? I wish you wouldn't

Darrell: Because you deserve the world!

Darrell starts to eat her out, with licking every spot and inch of her while squeezing her waist. Lashontae can't figure out whether her tears are of guilt and deceit or because the sex is so good. When Darrell comes and sticks his big strong pipe in her, Lashontae notices her mind is playing tricks on her when she looks in his face and only see's Carlysia. She quickly gets herself together and reassures herself that she loves Darrell and Carlysia is the past. After hours of love making they finally pass out and go to sleep.

Darrell: Ok I have to go to training

Lashontae: I thought that was next week

Darrell: Nope this week I told you that, that's why we got the condo furnished

Lashontae: So after everything last night you think I'm just going to let you leave all the way to L.A?

Darrell: I got to go baby, but you want to ride with me to the airport?

Lashontae: Sure

When Lashontae comes back home she works on some songs and packs them up to go to the studio tonight. But the Zan comes over

Zan: Once again you do thing without telling me! First the club and now you left the club and I'm at the bar with Ms. I Wanna Rape a Bitch.

Lashontae: (laughs) I'm sorry

Zan: Killed my whole vibe

Lashontae: Anyways how is your day going?

Zan: Good but what happened for real last night, why did you leave?

Lashontae: I had seen Carlysia. I ran in to her in the bathroom and we had a conversation that was just so unreal, I had to go

Zan: Oh really? How did you feel?

Lashontae: She said a lot of things that made since but I love Darrell he is my man now, I have to leave her in the past

Zan: Who you trying to convince?

Lashontae thought real hard, but realized she has to get Carlysia out of her head

Lashontae: Anyway I was about to go to the studio, wanna come?

Zan: Yeah, what is the name that you're writing?

Lashontae: I already written one it's called "Loveee Song" Rihanna and Future going to record today

Lashontae and Zan go to the studio and Lashontae, Rihanna, and Future work magic of course. But soon Clive Davis came in and asked for a new song for Chris Brown. Lashontae pulled a song she has completed to record and send to him.

Zan: What is it called?

Lashontae: Don't Judge Me

As Lashontae is recording she takes a break answer a text message that she thought was from Darrell.

Lashontae: Who is it?

Zan: Carlysia

Lashontae: How in the hell did she get my number?

Zan: She wants to know can you both meet for breakfast next week.

Lashontae goes back to her music and continue to record without answering Zan. As she is singing, she realizes her faults in having a fling with Carlysia before she left for college. She regrets going to that club the night before. She tried to figure out how would Carlysia get her number if she didn't give it to her? But she thought it must be fate and maybe meet her. Back at home she talks to Kayla

Kayla: Well I damn sure didn't give her your number I don't even like her like that

Lashontae: Well I texted her back and told her ok. I'm going to meet her at 11 at IHOP

Kayla: Ok well......

Lashontae: I got to call you back its Darrell calling (clicks over)

Darrell: How was your day?

Lashontae: It was alright I got two songs done, how about you

Darrell: Wow, that's good Tae. My day was long, stressful, my knee hurts, and I miss you of course.

Lashontae: Awl, well babe why don't you just go ice that and get some rest

Darrell: Well alright I guess I'll do that and call you before the press meeting tomorrow, will you watch it?

Lashontae: Of course baby

Darrell: Ok good night

Lashontae: Wish I could say the same it only 6 there! But goodnight boo (Hangs up)

In L.A. Darrell is in the shower

Darrell: Baby can you hand me my pants

Trina: Yes baby

Darrell: (stepping out of the shower, putting on his pants) Ahhhhh Trina baby I missed you so much (holding her)

Cali: What about me daddy?

Darrell: I missed you (picks her up) mommy and King

Cali: Yeah but king is just a baby he won't know

Darrell: (laughing) You're the cutest thing

Trina: Cali go play in the living room while I talk to your daddy

Darrell: What's wrong?

Trina: You missed that cute little girl's birthday last week

Darrell: I was with my mom in Atlanta

Trina: Ok well why your kids haven't met their grandmother and why spend all this money on a condo instead of living with me and your kids

Darrell: She is sick and I don't to be running in and out of our home going to ATL for my mom. My house will not be a revolving door. Things take time, just wait.

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