From Time

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Chapter 9

My Diary

So this bitch got me in jail? That’s how it is? Zan cant even get me till the day after tomorrow….. Im so exhausted, well at least I can get a good work out and sleep here. Things have been so hectic I forgot who we are! I finally have heard what the press have been saying. They don’t know much, just Darrell’s business! Karma’s a bitch, but they trying figure out if me and Carlysia are a couple. That dream of mine might be crushed…..

Celebrity Weekly:

Darrell Carter’s Secret girlfriend tries to kill him!! Never will play again!! Hidden children?

Lashontae Harris devastated? Or secret lover to Carlysia Smith?

Lashontae Harris Mugshot!!!!!


Carlysia: Shit crazy (throws magazine on counter)

Zan: Yeah, well…..

Carlysia: I just can’t believe she went that crazy with Sunny

Zan: Yeah about sunny?

Carlysia: We are over, I may not support the way Tae handled the whole thing but Sunny was wrong for calling the police on her.

Zan: I thought it was Darrell crazy ass, you know he threatened to kill her?

Carlysia: What! I don’t even want know why.

Zan: Well I’ma go check on her bail, and see if I can get her out early maybe?

Carlysia: Can I come?

Zan: Really? I thought you would be upset with Tae

Carlysia: No I am disappointed in her, but she’s in jail. I know her mom and brother would be devastated to know that she is there. I wanna be there for her, then deal with our situation later privately.

Zan: You a true ride or die bitch

Carlysia: For her I am

Back in L.A

Trina: It’s very nice to finally meet you and have your help

Joyce Ann: It’s my pleasure, I don t know why that boy hid this beautiful kids from me! And had the nerve to tell you I’m ill?

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