Closer than Close

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My Dairy

Darrell has been acting very strange lately…..But then again it is basketball season? Things can get stressful I mean with his knee and all……Whatever. Well I have to pack my thing and get back to the A. Carlysia is going to pick me up, then we are going to chill at her crib. That looks so weird on paper! I never thought I would hang out with her again but it’s all good I guess. I know one thing for sure I needed to get back to work and get Doddy & Sydnie in Atlanta.

Lashontae: I’m sorry about the other night

Carlysia: It’s ok

Lashontae: It’s not but um you still coming tonight?

Carlysia: Of course what time

Lashontae: 8pm

Carlysia: Ok, I heard that new joint you wrote for Pleasure P

Lashontae: Oh? “She Likes”

Carlysia: Yeah, I knew you was still freak (laughing)

Lashontae: When did I ever stop?

Carlysia: I wouldn’t know

Lashontae: Awww sorry hunti cunti

Carlysia: (laughing) Really?

Lashontae: Hahahaha!.... Oh Zan is calling in; let me talk to her before I get on this plane. I’ll see you soon (clicks over)

Zan: Hey girl

Lashontae: Wassup!

Zan: Nothing ready for you to come back

Lashontae: Awww

Zan: But what happened with you and Darrell

After Lashontae tell Zan everything she boards her flight. After a long flight she finally lands in Atlanta.

Carlysia: you always were a light packer

Lashontae: Well you know

Lashontae and Carlysia ride back to Carlysia’s crib to talk and smoke. As they burn down a whole half, listing to music they start getting deep.

Carlysia: Tae I’m be honest I never meant to hurt you. I have no clue how that girl even knew what hotel I was at, let alone the room number

Lashontae: That doesn’t matter now, that’s over

Carlysia: What’s going on with you and Darrell?

Lashontae: ………………

Carlysia: You can talk to me

Lashontae: I mean he been acting funny, I don’t know

Carlysia: Like you think something is wrong

Lashontae: He just gets mad but its whatever

Carlysia: Well I’m always gone be here for you for whatever (holding her hand)

Lashontae: That’s so sweet, are you sure though?

Carlysia: Of course

Lashontae: Awww thank you

Carlysia: Tae you always will have my heart but I guess I will just have to live with the now

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