Chapter Ten

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That next week, it was time for me to bring Chre'Maya home. I put her in her carseat, and Chres helped me out of the bed. He carried the carseat as I held the diaper bag walking down the hallway. He signed me out, and put the baby in the backseat of the car. I got in the backseat with her, and Roc drove us home. 

"Welcome home Chre'Maya," Chres chanted as he opened the door, and carried her inside of the house. He took her out of her seat, and showed her around the house. I flopped in my lounge chair and sighed. Me having a new baby sort of makes me feel as if I'm getting old when I'm only twenty. Well, yeah Chres is twenty one. I sighed, and shook the thought off.

"Hey babe, she seems to already like her surroundings." Chres smiled slightly rocking Chre'Maya. I smiled, and kissed the baby's lips. She still had her little eyes closed. Then, my front door flew opened, and it was Janelle with my baby Jadailah.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Jadailah yelled running toward me. I squatted, and hugged her also pecking her cheek multiple of times. The whole time I was in the hospital, she's been back and forward with Chres and Janelle. 

"Daddy, can I see baby sisa?" Jadailah asked. Chres smiled, and kneeled down to her height. "OOH! Look at her," Jadailah exclaimed. "Ssh Ssh baby. She's tryna sleep," Chres whispered. Jadailah put her finger over her own mouth and nodded. I walked over to Janelle.

"Wassup?" Janelle said. "Hey babes," I said with wide arms. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Congrats on my new little neice there," she smiled. "Thanks," I smiled back. "So, when you get all cleared up, you coming back to work?" Janelle asked. I thought about it. I haven't worked at The Players Club in so long man. I almost forgot about that job. Shid, I practically did.

"I don't know," I said. She nodded. "I've been working there like crazy, and I found myself another new boo," she smiled giving me full scoop. "Oh really?" I smiled. She nodded. "His name is Rayan," she said. "Oh okay. Where'd you meet him?" I asked. "At work." Janelle said. I nodded. "Oh okay."

"Yup. Been missing you girl," Janelle hugged onto me. I smiled hugging her back. "I know. I know," I said. "Have Jaden been keeping in touch with Jadailah? Because Jadailah seems to be very fond of him." Janelle wondered. "Shid, barely. He barely comes to get his daughter, and he always throw it in my face that I'm tryna keep her away from him." I scoffed. Janelle shook her head. "Just as long as you know the honest truth boo that's all that matters," she said.

I nodded in agreement. Janelle and I have a lot of catching up to do.

*     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *     *     *     *    *

Do you think that Ma'Leyah is gonna go back to her stripping job?

Do you think that her and Janelle is gonna be close again?


Do you think Jaden is gonna come back into the picture?



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