Chapter 3: Rumors Part 1

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***Leeroy' POV***

I can't believe it. Someone actually stood up for me.

She kissed my cheek. Did she like me like me? Or was she just being friendly?

It would be wonderful if she liked me liked me, but that is a longshot for a guy like me.

"Amy," I wispered.

"Yeah, Leroy?"

"Wh-why did you kiss my cheek?" I don't know why I really asked. I just really wanted to know why she was being so nice, what made her kiss my cheek, whether she likes me or not. I just had to know.

"Leeroy, I just met you, that kiss kinda came out of nowhere."

She noticed how my expression changed from wonder to disappointment.

"Leeroy," she continued. "I kinda liked the fact that I was able to kiss your cheek. It felt different."

"Oh," is all I could manage to say, but my growing smile ceased my words.

***Amy's POV***

Leeroy seemed so happy after I told him I kinda felt something with him when I kissed his cheek, but there's one question that lingers in my mind. Does Leeroy like me like me? Or was he weirded out by the kiss? I don't know which answer I would like better.

Leeroy and I stayed silent through the rest of class. When the bell rang to dismiss us from class, Leeroy quick snatched up my schedule then threw it back.

"I forgot we have all of our classes together," he said while blushing.

I couldn't help but chuckle lightly to my self.


Sorry it's really short. i have a job interview tomorrow so I need to go the bed so I'm not tired for my interview. Good night babes. Thanks for reading. Please vote and leave comments on ideas of what to do next. Love you all(:

I'm just going to make this chapter "Rumors Part 1" because I don't have time to write the rest... hopefully part 2 will be up soon(:

Leeroy PayneWhere stories live. Discover now