If I Am Peter Pan's Sister..

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If I Am Peter Pan's Sister**

If I Am Peter Pan's Sister,

I would fly and wander to NeverNeverland,

I will not grow old, I'll be forever ever young,

I will visit the ship of that Pirate Hook,

And tell him not to touch my brother, not even a look,

I will bond and play and play and bond with Tinkerbell,

And share stories no one ever dared to tell,

And we'll be in your room during midnight,

Wake you up and hold you tight,

And we'll fly up, up to the moon and fly forever,

That is-- If I am Peter Pan's Sister.


Note: Written nung bored na bored na talaga ko at hindi ako makatulog. hahaha. nakapost to sa lumang account ko. nilipat ko lang dahil edi'edic ko kasi kay Kapatid eh. XDD

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