When You stop kissing Roc.

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You:Ew, You really ate ants?

Roc: Yeah...

You: Thats Nasty.

Roc: Bae I was only 3.

You:Mhm So?

Roc: Wow. Really?

You: Yesss! Im Not kissing you ever again.

Roc: You not? *smirks*



You were getting up to leave him in the couch but he wrapped his arm around you and threw you on the couch. He sat up and got on top of you.

You: You love tackling people huh?

Roc: Only you baby. *winks* So ima get my kiss?

You: nope.

Roc began to tickle you. and you bursted in laughter.


Roc: ima get a kiss?

You:AHHHHHHH Rocccccccc ahahahahahahhahahahahahahaa!!!!! Chiiiillllll!!!!!!

Roc: Do I get a kiss though?


Roc: *keeps tickling. *

You: okay! Alright! 

Roc: What?

You: You'll get your kiss! 

Roc stopped and looked at you.

You: Dang. 

Roc: Where my kiss at? *puckering lips*

You: Psh, Yoou thought.

Roc: Oh So you want me to tickle you?

You: Noh! Okay gosh!

You lifted up and kissed him slowly. Allowing him to get into the moment. You pulled back and laid down. 

Roc: Love you. 

You: I know, Dont we all? *smirks*

Roc: Naw. For that I get another one!

You: I was playing with you. And Anytime! 

You lifted up again and kissed him. He added tounge, And a makeout session has begun! <3


lil sum sum lol

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