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I hesitantly nodded my head and within seconds I was flung into the portal, and through time. An explosion of colors flashed through my vision until white overpowered them all. I held up my arm to block the light and when I could see again I was back on Earth, but everything looked different. Instead of cars, there were carriages being pulled by horses. Dozens of Africans were working in fields while their masters watched over them.

"Um, excuse me sir, what year is it?" I asked as a buff man dressed in a suit and hat walked passed me.

"1692 ma'dam," he tipped his hat to me as he replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering," he gave me a disgusted look as he looked at my clothes.

"Those are some very peculiar clothes you have on. You should really cover yourself up more," he suggested.

I looked down at my tank top and sweatpants, then looked around at the other women passing by. They all had on big poofy dresses, unless they were slaves.

"Oh! Uh, thank you again sir," I said awkwardly. I started making my way to a clothing store when I realized I didn't have any money. Wow, the Quadrant really didn't think this through, did they?

I looked around, not knowing what to do. I can't ask anybody for clothes because everybody here looks snobbish. I can't steal anything because I can't exactly save the world in an old-timey jail.

That's when I saw it. Four people walking down the street with the utmost confidence. Everybody would scatter to clear a path for them when they walked by. They all suddenly stopped, and very slowly turned their heads towards me. I suddenly heard whispering, "You don't belong here," the voices harshly whispered in abhorrence. A slather of whispers surrounded me and my head felt like it was going to rupture. Until they abruptly stopped and four voices stood out. "You don't belong here!" the four girls from earlier snarled. They all started advancing towards me and harshly whispered, "Somnum," before I blacked out.

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