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I woke up to something cold and wet being dumped on me. I looked around to see I was in an empty room. Similar to the dungeon, but there were no bars and the floor was wooden.

“Wake up! It’s time for you to go back,” Bridget exclaimed.

“Why?” I replied dumbly.

“We spiked the water supply and it’s time for you to go back to 3024. The world might be different since you changed the past, so we need you to tell us where to send you,” Abigail stated. That’s when I noticed they were all in a circle holding hands with me in the middle.

“Send me to wherever my mom is,” I declared. I knew that wherever my home is, my mom would be there cooking and cleaning like there’s no tomorrow.

They all nodded and closed their eyes as they started to chant something in a foreign language, “Ibo ad futuram mitto eam in domum mom viam!” They chanted it over and over again until a bright white light started to surround me till I was blinded. I shut my eyes tightly to try to save my eyes and when I opened them again I was standing in my old home. The one back on Earth that I lived in with my mom before we left.

“Oh hello honey, I see you’re back from school. How was your first day of your last year of college? I heard med-school gets exciting when it’s your last year.” My mom rambled on with her usual preppy tone.

Then Abigail’s words rung in my head. The world might be different since you changed the past. I silently gasped as realization dawned on me. Since I changed the past, the future I was in never happened. The world never died and I was never sent back in time. Then I started to doubt myself. Was this all a dream?

“It was good mom I’m just going to go to my room,” I told her and without waiting for her reply, sulked up the stairs to my room.

I plopped myself down on the window seat and looked out of it, shocked by what I saw. Four witches, spiking our water supply. They all looked over at me and winked. Then they all smirked and said one word that always seemed to knock me out, “Somnum.”

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